Trilinear Interpolation leaves artifacts, but is necessary

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Trilinear Interpolation leaves artifacts, but is necessary

Post by yv »

Please have a look at this screenshot: ... ation.jpg

I have to have trilinear interpolation for the noise not to be pixelated.
when I set TrilinearFilter to true, I get artifacts (curves surrounding the fire volume) , if I set it to false, I get pixelation.

Maybe someone can think of something... My guess is that I have to look into modifying the noise filter algorithm to stop pixelating when Trilinear Interpolation is off.

Thank you!
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Post by bitplane »

strange. looks like edges set by the material type parameter of the transparent_alpha_channel renderer.
Try setting material.MaterialTypeParam to something less than 1/255. If this doesn't help, do you see the artefacts when using bilinear filtering?

are the artefacts on the edges of your polygons? if so, try setting material.TextureWrap[0] to ETC_CLAMP
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Material.TextureWrap[0] = ETC_CLAMP;

Post by yv »

Good catch, Bitplane.

The texture was repeating, clamping worked great!

I am using EMT_PARALLAX_MAP_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR, so setting material.MaterialTypeParam to something less than 1/255 was not going to help.

This is great, thanks!

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