1. render with two passes; first pass is a black wireframe with thick lines, second pass is the textured model.
2. render with two passes, first pass is polygonal mesh in all black with faces flipped, second pass is the textured model.
with both techniques youll probably want to rescale between the passes such that the first rendered model is a bit larger than the second one. in the first technique, youll also probably want to bring the texured pass a little closer to the camera.
I personally would draw two of the same model. Scale the first one up a bit. Then invert the normals and ensure that backface culling is on. Since the faces closest to the camera will always be facing away, irrlicht will cull them, leaving only the faces in the back. Draw them completely black and you have a toon outline.
It's an opengl tutorial so has nothing to do with irrlicht but it might give you some ideas, i don't know if the method is different to anything mentioned previously or would suit what you want to do (the previously mentioned methods sound suitable, this might be overkill or not quite right)