Obvious Feature Suggestion

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Obvious Feature Suggestion

Post by shadov »

Hi all,

I think most members at the Irrlicht would like to see MoveSpeed and RotateSpeed properties added to the CameraSceneNode class.

As you know these can only be set as parameters while creating the camera which won't allow you to change their values at run-time... So the only solution currently I see is creating 3 cameras with different speeds such as CameraWalk, CameraCrouch, CameraRun... And keep all positions tied at all times... Then you can switch between cameras at run-time...

So what do you think?
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Post by vitek »

You only need to update the camera properties of the inactive camera when it becomes the active camera. You don't need to do it all the time.

The cameras all implement the ICameraSceneNode interface. Consider that not all cameras have a RotateSpeed and MoveSpeed. Consider a static camera.

One possible solution would be to make an ICameraSceneNodeFPS interface that exposed accessors for getting and setting those properties specific to the fps camera.
It has been discussed several times to seperate the camera controller from the camera concept. The camera would just have properties that all cameras have, and there would be a camera controller that had all of the camera movement logic in it.

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Post by hybrid »

Yes, that feature was already under development, but I think that bitplane has postponed it for a while. There will be kind of scene node animators for cameras.
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Post by christianclavet »

That will be very interesting to have. Also a way to change and get the value of the node animator. We would then be able to change the speed of the FPS Camera, jump etc.
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