Hey guys,
I am using Irrlicht NET CP but that should not be an issue for this problem. I am currently working with newton and terrain, and i was wondering what the best options are on gaining performance with terrain. i was thinking of actually slicing the heightmap realtime and load each slice as a terrainscenenode so i can render whatever i think is nescensarry at that moment. This way it would fit into a tiling system i want to start using, in which ican create different newton worlds that are the size of each tile so it will cost less performance.
Do you guys have any idea if this approche would be good?
Terrain deviding
Ok. I am wondering if this feature can be implented in irrlicht. I think it is even a weird way of a scenenode it's functionallity to load terrain heightmap by itself, rathre then letting the user give the heightmap data, which provides the user a whole large scale of extra functionallity.
I think if you make an overload to the loadHeightMap in which a heightmap is loaded by the scenenode itself.
LoadHeightMap(string heightmaplocationfile)
loadheightmap(texture heightmaptexture)
............ the whole heightmap load function
somethingf like that..
I think if you make an overload to the loadHeightMap in which a heightmap is loaded by the scenenode itself.
LoadHeightMap(string heightmaplocationfile)
loadheightmap(texture heightmaptexture)
............ the whole heightmap load function
somethingf like that..