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mesh->setFrameLoop() access violation

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:39 am
by pippy
I have a scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode*. I want to change its animation according to what state it's in

i can call mesh->setFrameLoop() just after it has loaded, but if I call it at render time it gets an "access violation" and crashes

any ideas why?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:56 am
by trivtn
I think you can use the bool variable to toggle the setFrame loop such as :
if (!active)
active = true;
Maybe this way can help.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:44 am
by pippy
Thanks for your reply trivtn.

Using a boolean to set the frame loop would mean i could only set it once, and i want to change it twice

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:48 pm
by pippy
I found the problem, it was that mesh was undefined in some cases.


Code: Select all

		if(NULL != mesh){

			//what state you are in
			if(state != tmpstate){
				switch (state){
				case 0://idle
					mesh->setFrameLoop(myType->idle_start, myType->idle_end);
					tmpstate = 0;
				case 1://walking
					mesh->setFrameLoop(myType->walk_start, myType->walk_end);
					tmpstate = 1;
				case 2://attacking
					mesh->setFrameLoop(myType->attack_start, myType->attack_end);
					tmpstate = 2;
				case 3://attacking
					mesh->setFrameLoop(myType->attack_start, myType->attack_end);
					tmpstate = 3;
					mesh->setFrameLoop(myType->idle_start, myType->idle_end);