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Softwares you use?

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:26 pm
by Henkaz
Hi Guys!

Me and a friend are going to create an awesome plattform game in Irrlicht and we hopes it will goes well.

And I wonder which softwares you guyes use in your game? Because we need some support about which softwares is good and bad.

For example:

Making 3d Objects, creating music & sounds, create textures and animation.

Obviously you guys have a place in the credits if you help us Very Happy

Thanks for your answers //Henkaz

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:23 pm
by FlyingIsFun1217
Provided you are going to put effort into it, you can really make a professional presentation with the following:

-Blender (for 3D Models)
-GIMP/GIMPShop (2D Art Editor/Modified to be akin to Photoshop)
-Audacity (for Audio)

This is just for starters, there are literally thousands of awesome open source programs at your disposal ;)


Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:37 am
by Brainsaw
Here are the ones I would recommend:

- Wings for modelling
- Kristal Audio for Audio

Furthermore I use Paint Shop Pro 6, pretty old but I still like it. Never got used to GIMP.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:06 pm
by Henkaz
But which program do you use to create the music and sounds? From nothing to a real song? I tested Audacity and it looks more like a "take a song and make it your song" Have I wrong?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:28 pm
by rogerborg
Irrlicht is a 3D rendering engine. There may be people here who are into sound FX and music creation, but I honestly think you'll have more luck asking on a specific forum for that subject.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:42 am
by Brainsaw
I am a hobby musician (Bass player in a band, do some recording from time to time), and I tried Audacity before. It's nice, but it is just an editor for sound files, afaik it has nothing to create your own sounds (without recording them from e.g. musical instruments). I haven't tried Kristal (yet) but I think it supports VSTi's (virtual instruments).

For game music creation you could use a tracker the can save your creations in a format that e.g. Irrklang supports, for sound effects there are some sites on the web where you can obtain free samples (gunshots and other things), without the need of further work.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:21 am
by Jas
rogerborg wrote:Irrlicht is a 3D rendering engine. There may be people here who are into sound FX and music creation, but I honestly think you'll have more luck asking on a specific forum for that subject.
Seriously why do you bother? Just because people are new and asking questions doesnt mean you have the right to be arrogant. yes ive read your responses on more than one occasions.

Now on subject:

Audacity is a great free program for recording your own sounds, ive used it for recording guitar, keyboard etc. You should seriously look at fruityloops too its a great program for music creation though its not free.

As for the rest not really sure cause im learning too.


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:16 am
by pippy
I personally just use nero wave editor to crop & edit sounds. Its small and handy (v6 anyway). Also use 3ds max7 and photoshop.

On another note I read about a sound making program (such as arcade beeps, not beats or loops) that would be really handy for making games. Anyone know what its called?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:57 am
by rogerborg
Jas wrote:
rogerborg wrote:Irrlicht is a 3D rendering engine. There may be people here who are into sound FX and music creation, but I honestly think you'll have more luck asking on a specific forum for that subject.
Seriously why do you bother? Just because people are new and asking questions doesnt mean you have the right to be arrogant.
I appreciate you taking the time to prove my point with your response. For the hard-of-comprehension, I'm not telling the poster to get lost, I'm suggesting that he'll have more luck asking elsewhere as well.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:15 am
by Jas
rogerborg wrote:Irrlicht is a 3D rendering engine.
So this opening line of yours is suggesting a user to look else where? or is stating the plane ignorant obvious. The later i would suggest.

When someone corrects you , dont duck and weave. face it, get over it, and learn.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:09 am
by rogerborg
I find your comment offensive. I try very hard to be condescending towards posters who haven't bothered to do their own basic research first. The arrogance is purely a bonus side effect.

Given that the poster apparently hasn't taken 30 seconds to google for better resources, I don't think that pointing out the obvious is redundant.

At the risk of actually being helpful, here's a 30 second Google:

Music Software?

Computer based recording studio on the cheap.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:09 am
by shogun
Jas wrote:So this opening line of yours is suggesting a user to look else where? or is stating the plane ignorant obvious. The later i would suggest.

When someone corrects you , dont duck and weave. face it, get over it, and learn.
This is the beginners forum FOR IRRLICHT. Rogerborg is absolutely correct, and you, Sir, are not.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:15 am
by Jas
To the poster who says this is a beginners forum, my point exactly no need to rub it in noobs facers when they ask a simple question. sure he was right in the later but not the former.

"Don't correct a mocker, or you too will be mocked."

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:24 pm
by Saturn
There never was something to be "corrected" in the first place. So please stop this display of self-righteousness and instead stick to your first advice.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:12 pm
by Weng
Irrklang for audio
3ds Max for modelling
Visual Studio for development
