Example 12 TerrainRendering 2 observations

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Example 12 TerrainRendering 2 observations

Post by Woozley »

I noticed on my vista system on the terrainrendering example I get ~220 fps using d3d9 but over 300 fps using opengl. Wow I thought opengl was slowed by vista. Is this an engine or implementation issue or am I just lucky :) ?

I also noticed if you look up there is a 'big flat plate' in the sky(box) roof (renderer independant) - is this how the sky is supposed to look ? Not being critical, just trying to learn irr.
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Post by Raedwulf »

If you have installed your latest vendor video drivers (Nvidia, ATi) then the performance of OpenGL will be the normal. If you haven't then OpenGL will be greatly slowed because its a wrapper for DX.
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