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3DS strange problem

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 4:07 pm
by Cleves

I'm using .3DS files for my models, and it was working ok.But today, I was trying to load a 3DS and the game was loading, and then quit to windows without any error or console input.What may be the reason? too much poly?
I was just curious to know what may be the reason for this :o

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:36 am
by Domarius
Do you have the same problem with other 3DS files?

If no, then try making a simple version of it, try it, add more things, try it again, till you re-produce the problem, and you may have a better idea, or help us get a better idea, of what's causing the problem.

Same principal for trying different 3DS files; is it just that one that screws up, or is it many? If so, try and find out what they all have in common.

That said, I know that 3DS support isn't perfect yet, but people still use them fine. So you could possibly work this out by experimenting more and posting here again with your results.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 12:58 pm
by Cleves
Yeah, I already found the problem.
It was this specifc 3ds with the problem.
Thanks anyway :D