I just started playing around with irrlicht a few days ago, and so now I am trying to make a simple underwater scene. Unfortunately my code has spontaneously decided that every file I have is protected, and now goes through a cycle of throwing AccessViolationExceptions. That too confuses me. Its a different line that crashes every time I run the program. Anyway, here's the list (in order) of what file loading methods crash:
Vent.texture = driver.GetTexture(@"..\..\Resources\Textures\Rock\Rock.bmp");
landscape.SetMaterialTexture(1, device.VideoDriver.GetTexture(@"..\..\Resources\Textures\Sand\Sand.bmp"));
landscape = device.SceneManager.AddTerrainSceneNode(@"..\..\Resources\Maps\Mountain.bmp", null, -1,new Vector3D(0,0,0), new Vector3D(160, 20f, 160), new Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
Vent.mesh = smgr.GetMesh(@"..\..\Resources\Objects\Vent1.3DS").GetMesh(0);
As said before, this is written in C#. I know from previous posts on this topic that there is not a lot of support right now for .NET applications. Still, this didn't used to happen, so there must be a way to stop it.
Thanks for your time.
*EDIT* I almost forgot, the device has the same problem irrespective of the engine I use. I've tried every DriverType there is with no improvement.
AccessViolationException strikes again! (C#)
What do you mean with "no support for .NET languages"? There is a good working .NET Wrapper named Irrlicht CP NET