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a few basic C++ questions

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:15 pm
by Coolkat
i have a few questions about going about a few things..

1.) how did Irrlichtt make it's particle emitter? does it use 2D bitmaps on a billboard?

2.) someone made a mesh in 3dsmax and is using maxscript to export it to a different extention with a different layout.. now im trying to render this file.. would i read the content of the file... then place all the vertices and faces in their place and then apply the texture?

3.) I wanna make buttons and a GUI on the screen.. i can make the images and all very well.. but i can't figure out how to skin the buttons and lists.. example: make a button that isn't flat.. but has a design on it.

4.) this is also in regards to the #3 question.. but does anyone know the win32 code to make multilists? thanks :D

5.) im going to be making my own packing system.. i was thinking of storying the content of all the files in a [*] ... [*] type setup.. with tags and such saying the name of the file and then have it's content inside those simple tags.. and have it all written in binary format.. do you think something like that would work? would that compress the content if it was written in binary?

by the way.. all this stuff will be in D3D9... so if you want to answer then please answer in terms of D3D9.. not the Irrlicht code.. thanks.
