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Loading 3ds files modeled with OpenFX

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 5:25 am
by pedrodx
Hi all comunity!!! I'm all new to Irrlicht engine but when trying to run a example when loading a 3ds exported by OpenFX designer (that's what I plan to), says that the model has a different mesh version! I think it is loading 3ds files from a different way than quake format files that I adapted the short example from the tutorial! Sorry my English, cos I'm Brazilian... heheh Thanks in advance!!!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 6:21 am
by Domarius
At the moment, Irrlicht is very picky about it's model formats.

.X format is your best bet at the moment. Niko is focusing on making it work properly before all the others, because it is the most appropriate gaming format.

Otherwise, try using a combination of programs to make a file Irrlicht will be happy with. Maybe you can run the 3DS through an exporter, or opening and resaving the model in another 3D app, and the model that comes out the other side, wether it be 3DS, MD2, or .X, Irrlicht might like.