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Irrlicht for gp2x

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:50 pm
by teun

Since a few months I'm a proud owner of a GP2X. I would like to create games based on irrlicht for the GP2X so I tried to get irrlicht running on the GP2X a while ago, but without success.

I've noticed that since version 1.3 of irrlicht has SDL device, and I'm going to try if it works on the gp2x.

So my questions are: Is there already someone who succesfully already ported irrlicht to the GP2X? And how?

Can you give me tips/hints how to get irrlicht compiled for/ working on the GP2X?


Teun Schenk

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:28 am
by psyco001
hi and welcome to gp2x development^^
i own my f200 since a month. :D
i've searched the forum a little time ago for a port of irrlicht for it but i've only found two topics.
here is one: ... 735#107735
there is written that anyone has made a sdl device and driver for irrlicht to use it eg. for mobile development.

i want to use irrlicht on my gp2x too, but i've not enougth knowlage to port it myself. :cry:

So can anyone port it?

The devKit is free available from manufacturer.