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Only getting Grey models from MakeHuman

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:00 am
by Uberbot
Well, I'm still working through the examples. However, I thought I understood how Example 7 worked. So, I thought I'd try to bring in a model created by MakeHuman

I save the model as .dae and bring it into Blender and export it as .x.

But, the results are that the model displays as grey.

The code I'm using is:

material.setTexture(0, driver->getTexture("./textures/test.bmp"));
faerie = smgr->getMesh("./models/tutorial.x");

if (faerie) {
node = smgr->addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(faerie);
node->getMaterial(0) = material;

The test.bmp file is simply a brown (or red, even) block. I'm just interested in making the figure have any color besides grey.

What am I missing?

On the same note, is there any good tutorial on how to make clothes for blender models?

Thanx in advance,

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:19 am
by christianclavet
Hi, Mike.

Thanks for giving us this link. This project look very promising.

Does your model get in blender in color? Perhaps, the surfaces are not exported correctly. Have you checked in blender that the map is properly defined for the character?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:34 am
by mqrk
I just went through this myself. Try adding

Code: Select all

 node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, true); 
Make sure you apply the material before calling this.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:44 am
by Uberbot
christianclavet wrote:Hi, Mike.

Thanks for giving us this link. This project look very promising.

Does your model get in blender in color? Perhaps, the surfaces are not exported correctly. Have you checked in blender that the map is properly defined for the character?
Yes, the model comes into blender with color. When the example is running, I see nicely rendered, though grey, figures. When the figure is selected, it turns to an awful orange, with NO depth. It looks like a 2D shadow of the figure. Perhaps this orage color is the color from the model, but I'm missing something else that makes it look "right?"

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:45 am
by Uberbot
mqrk wrote:I just went through this myself. Try adding

Code: Select all

 node->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, true);
Make sure you apply the material before calling this.
I tried this and it didn't seem to help.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:50 am
by mqrk
Try it with a texture that is not a solid color. When it is selected, no lighting is calculated (as part of the tutorial), so you won't see any depth.

EDIT: I just tested this and was able to reproduce exactly the phenomenon you described.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:13 am
by kornwaretm
hi everybody
i got same problem, it's not irrlicht but blender's .x exporter.
i've search the forum for weeks. and what i found it's something about the blender's exporter (sadly i forgot where it is). they said the output .x file from blender's exporter has a different order than the microsoft directx does. and why the model looks grey when loaded in irrlicht. may be because the default vertex color in blender is white. and somewhat this is the problem from the exporter also. i set the material lighting to false and the model turn colored. what a boring scene without dynamic lighting.

by the way have u use the latest xExporter 2.42 ?
and at the they also working on the makehuman, same function but in blender script.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:35 am
by Uberbot
mqrk wrote:Try it with a texture that is not a solid color. When it is selected, no lighting is calculated (as part of the tutorial), so you won't see any depth.

EDIT: I just tested this and was able to reproduce exactly the phenomenon you described.
I modified my model so that it has a MARBLED texture. I also used a "stones.jpg" texture in the call to material.setTexture().

Neither change has changed what I'm seeing. I'm sure once I get past this hurtle, things will speed up for me.

I've posted my project at:

What am I doing wrong! :?

Thanx again,

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:39 am
by hybrid
Try to load them in the meshviewer (example 9). It will show proper vertex colors. I guess you have to disable lighting or add a light scene node to get the same effect in your app. The problem with textures is that you have to choose the proper meshbuffer to apply the texture to. The body seems to have material 7 (in tutorial2 mesh), but you should just try all buffers to see what's happening. The .x materials simply don't have textures applied, otherwise the textures would load automatically. Maybe you can ask blender to export a complete material including the textures. Or you add the file manually, check the dwarf.x example mesh on how to add texture to the material (all .x files used are ascii encoded, so you can edit them with a text editor).

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:26 am
by Uberbot
So, I'm still working on this problem. I was able to load the Dwarf.x file and it displayed correctly. So, I'm convinced that my code is correct.

I was able to export a MakeHuman model into .x format and change the colors that irr displayed by modifying the material library. However, there was no "texture," just color. I understand that this is because irr sees it as one color and doesn't do any shadow calculations. How do I go about "fixing" this? I guess that I could assign slightly different colors to each poly, but I'm getting this would become "tedious" pretty quickly.

Otherwise, what tools (for linux) do people use to create models?
Uberbot wrote:
mqrk wrote:Try it with a texture that is not a solid color. When it is selected, no lighting is calculated (as part of the tutorial), so you won't see any depth.

EDIT: I just tested this and was able to reproduce exactly the phenomenon you described.
I modified my model so that it has a MARBLED texture. I also used a "stones.jpg" texture in the call to material.setTexture().

Neither change has changed what I'm seeing. I'm sure once I get past this hurtle, things will speed up for me.

I've posted my project at:

What am I doing wrong! :?

Thanx again,
:) :) :)

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:54 pm
by hybrid
No, that's not the problem, nor is it a good solution (guess what happens if the character turns around). The problem is that your mesh is not textured. Read in the 2d/3d graphics forum about how to do this. It's some work you will have to do before getting an acceptable result with textures. But vertex colors also do proper shading, at least under OpenGL. You simply need a light and enable lighting in the material.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 12:26 am
by Uberbot
hybrid wrote:No, that's not the problem, nor is it a good solution (guess what happens if the character turns around). The problem is that your mesh is not textured. Read in the 2d/3d graphics forum about how to do this. It's some work you will have to do before getting an acceptable result with textures. But vertex colors also do proper shading, at least under OpenGL. You simply need a light and enable lighting in the material.
Well, I wasn't being entirely serious about coloring each poly in my model. Write it off to frustration.

It seems that the models that come with a UV mapping ALWAYS work correctly. The models that simply include a material don't.

So, I'm convinced that this is a Blender issue and that the Irrlicht library works well and is actually pretty easy to get going with. Nice work guys.

In the mean time, I'll spend some time reading the Irrlicht forums and taking some blender tutorials.

Since I do have a model that works, I'll be able to make some progress in my project by finishing up the non-blocking network IO routines.

Thanx for the help.

Mike. :P :P