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How to store camera position to variable?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:15 pm
by xfreakk
Hi im have the basic framwork for a game and now i want to add networking code. I want to send the current player location over the network to a server. I know how to do the networking code sort of. but what i really need to understand is where does irrlicht store the current coordinates of the fps camera.

is it camera->updateabsoluteposition.
there is also camera->getPosition.x or y

ive tried int x = camera->getPosition but it didnt work

I need a simple way to store the current location in a variable and send it over a bitstream

Re: How to store camera position to variable?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:18 pm
by zeno60
xfreakk wrote:Hi im have the basic framwork for a game and now i want to add networking code. I want to send the current player location over the network to a server. I know how to do the networking code sort of. but what i really need to understand is where does irrlicht store the current coordinates of the fps camera.

is it camera->updateabsoluteposition.
there is also camera->getPosition.x or y

ive tried int x = camera->getPosition but it didnt work

I need a simple way to store the current location in a variable and send it over a bitstream
If you look at the api you should see that getPosition is not a variable but a method (function): getPosition() which returns a vector3df. ... e.html#a15

int x = camera->getPosition().x

Re: How to store camera position to variable?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:21 pm
by randomMesh
xfreakk wrote:ive tried int x = camera->getPosition but it didnt work
getPosition() returns a irr::core::vector3df, not an int. ... _node.html

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:24 pm
by xfreakk
ah so thats why it was displaying a something like 0fffh or something neway thanks i was wondering thanks. Ill try to figure it out from here. I hope you dont have to hear from me again :)

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:46 pm
by xfreakk
Hmm I still for the life of me can not figure this out and this just so happens to be the main problem for me right now.

If any of you know of a way to get the coordinates into variables that would be great. I checked the api but im pretty new and could not understand how i can do this.

Possible one the i can do though is just have the players actions get sent over to the server and then the clients camera rig function will handle when the other player is moving i guess.

**edit** well I dont want the the client to creat a whole camera i just want a mesh to move wherever the player is. Such is why i wanted to do it with coordinates instead of aforementioned way.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:49 pm
by randomMesh
Do it like this:

Code: Select all

irr::core::vector3df camPos( camera->getAbsolutePosition() );

Code: Select all

float x = camera->getAbsolutePosition().X;
float y = camera->getAbsolutePosition().Y;
float z = camera->getAbsolutePosition().Z;

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:58 pm
by xfreakk
Thank you your a life saver im gonna try to get it working.
There doesnt seem to be much networking code going around these forums. Im using Raknet... IrrNet wouldnt work for me for some reason i think i was missing the ENet Libs... but neway thanks a bunch :)

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:42 am
by dlangdev
xfreakk wrote:Thank you your a life saver im gonna try to get it working.
There doesnt seem to be much networking code going around these forums. Im using Raknet... IrrNet wouldnt work for me for some reason i think i was missing the ENet Libs... but neway thanks a bunch :)
i use raknet, maybe we can collaborate in the future. set up a game net api on top of irrlicht.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:53 am
by randomMesh
raknet sucks because of its licence.
Try to use a free library like enet.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:56 am
by rogerborg
That's an astonishing statement, which I feel compelled to refute.

You may distribute, modify and use Raknet gratis in non-commercial products. Thus far, it's effectively the same as Enet.

If and only if you successfully complete and release a commercial product, then you choose how much to pay for a commercial Raknet license, with a minimum of $100. As ZOMG MONNAY==EVAL licenses go, that's about as EVAL as Mother Theresa.

Given the extra functionality that Raknet provides over Enet, you'd really have to value your time very very cheaply indeed to object to paying $100 for Raknet.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:18 pm
by xfreakk
My sentiments exactly. Anyway i resolved the problem of storing coordinates thanks to Random Mesh
I resolved my other forum topic of spawning meshes. My code got so complex i didnt know where i should spawn meshes lol.

Anyway my networking code is so Amateurish. It stores the x y z as arrays
x[32] y[32] z[32]
And cheat client is hardcoded to be one of those arrays. The client writes packets for its data i.e

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pseudo code
and then it reads all the incoming data with different packet lines from each client.

This system is extremely primitive.
Do you guys think its good for now or is it sorta like learning the wrong way to begin with.

I will release a server client demo when im done.
I just borrowed the Camera code from Christian Clavet
So i need to redesign my own camera code.

The current system of how the networking is done
is with the coordinate system a mesh is used as placeholder on the clients machine.
--To Be Added--
Remaining networking code for coords
adding in rotation transformation code.
So that the mesh faces where the user is facing.
Controlling Animations so that while standing still the mesh isnt still animating or at least not a running animation lol.
--Possibly to be added--
updating network code so it doesnt have to be hardcoded into each client

contact me on MSN Messenger at or AIM slicky11288

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:09 pm
by Frosty Topaz
I feel I should point out that the positions etc. in Irrlicht are all of the type irr::core::vector3df. They are floating point values. So you really shouldn't store/send them as ints. Unless you really want jumpy movement, or your scale is very large (ie one Irrlicht unit is one mm (~1/32")). Even if your scale is that large the conversion takes time you don't need to waste.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:37 pm
by xfreakk
Thanks frosty. This is just early version. networking code is no more than a page right now. I have to figure out how to get floats to conver to Const Char i believe. Im not sure im gonna try using floats when i get home from the university.

Question for everyone. Does anyone know if the get target applies to animated meshes. I believe im using the right terminology. Basically I want to know if the current fps camera is looking at a spawned animated mesh.

Also if i set the animated meshes coords to variables does it update on every frame.

Heres my idea.
pseudo code

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void istargetaplayer
  get target
  cmp to coords of other players
  display on gui current target is Player ID based on the Player ID of the   packet that the coords were recieved from
**Please dont flame me for asking this question im at school till 2:00 EST and cant test out any theories of my own right now**
So if you have constructive information that would be nice. And Appreciated.

If i ever do produce a nice minigame of decent quality. Any persons who assisted are welcome to be announced in the credits if they want.
Just because i realize that if you guys are giving me code or helping me I did not do the code myself and therefore want all Parties mentioned if they so desire.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:29 am
by Frosty Topaz
I assume you're meaning to ask if it's possible to determine which scene node is at particular screen coordinates (ie the center). It should work for any scene node that has a bounding box I believe.

You can get the scene collision manager from the scene manager. It should have a function to get the scene node at some specified coordinates on screen. Check the API for details.