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The Game Development Process

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:01 am
by plotti
I think sometimes when I follow projects I see that they always follow the same pattern, they are either a one man show, or a bunch of people interested in the same topic gather together for a couple of weeks but then give up due to lack of project planning.

I stumbled recently upon a nice website which shows the main roles of game development and thats what I think some projects here should be considering too:

Audio -
* Sound Engineer/Designer
* Composer
* Audio Programmer/Engineer

Design -
* Game Designer
* Lead Designer
* Level Designer
* Fiction Writer or Screenwriter

Production -
* Producer
* Project Manager
* Associate Producer
* Game Tester
* Lead Tester

Programming -
* Junior Programmer
* Lead Programmer
* Engine/Tools Programmer
* Graphics/Special Effects Programmer
* Audio Programmer/Engineer
* Artificial Intelligence Programmer
* Multiplayer Networking Programmer

Visual Arts
* Intern Artist
* 3D Model Builder (objects)
* 2D Conceptual Artist
* 2D Texture Artist
* 3D Cutscene Artist
* 3D Character Builder
* 3D Character Animator
* Level Builder
* Art Director
* Art Technician

I think we in general have a lot of programming and visual arts people here. But I see a lack of Multiplayer Networking Programmers, Level Designers, Project Managers. I also see a lot of questions and solutions related to graphic issues, maps, characters, shaddows, maps etc... I wish if he could somehow bundle those solutions to a "best-case" snippet wiki, or even better a generic game implementation demonstrating concepts, lots of people would be able to modify this for their own purpose and get started faster.

What do you guys think?
Zx14 vs hayabusa

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:32 am
by rogerborg
Perhaps we see mostly programmers and 3d artists because Irrlicht is a 3d engine aimed at programmers, not a game engine. It's in the FAQ.

Re: The Game Development Process

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:21 pm
by MasterGod
plotti wrote:I also see a lot of questions and solutions related to graphic issues, maps, characters, shaddows, maps etc... I wish if he could somehow bundle those solutions to a "best-case" snippet wiki, or even better a generic game implementation demonstrating concepts, lots of people would be able to modify this for their own purpose and get started faster.

What do you guys think?
Hmm... let me think.. OH I KNOW :idea: . Check my signature. :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:45 pm
by plotti
very true, i know irrlicht is a 3d engine not a game engine. I will definitely check out the game engine in your sig, seems very promising and let you know what i think:

# Can I join the NUSoftware Game Engine developers team?

* No, I want to be the sole leader of the project, as simple as that, although very close friends might get a chance :-).

I dont like that aspect that much... it doesnt include the learning and evolving aspect somehow.

And where in the game engine is a general avatar solution, some state consistency, networking, etc... is see lots of white spots , yet no possibility to contribute.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:56 pm
by MasterGod
Little note: I've started this engine about 3 months ago, 1.5 months designing and 1.5 implementing so it's lacks A LOT but the progress is pretty fast (although I'm the only programmer on it) but it can still be a good start, if not to be used the current state of it can be modified easily but it's not recommended.

I'm publishing the engine BECAUSE "or even better a generic game implementation demonstrating concepts, lots of people would be able to modify this for their own purpose and get started faster. "...
For further discussion please refer to the official forum or check the NGE thread in the project announcement forum of Irrlicht.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:40 pm
by plotti
I am not at all criticising your engine just saying, i'd love to have something like your engine, but only open, free to contribute and kind of complete, that would be a perfect start for somebody who would like to develop a game by himself.

As you see there are a lot of roles in game development and like this somebody interested in creating a nice working project just has to customize rather than going through all the roles and steps.

Keep up the good work and hopefully your engine can become this generic concept of how to use irrlicht and irrklang to create a game.


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:56 pm
by MasterGod
Thanks. Oh and you Can contribute, and few already has. You can always share your thoughts with me and I'll consider if I want to add it.
True, creating a game involves a lot of people but not many of us can compile such team and most are sole developers..

"..and kind of complete" - lol I've just started it 2-3 months ago :wink: