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Make Game Engine

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:27 am
by vgamecoder
I was wondering how to make a game engine. I have done my own searching but I couldnt find anything. I found one but it is incommpleate.

I am not asking for you to teach me. I know it would be impractical. I am asking for someone to give me a link to a tutorial. Either that or how other people learn if not a tutorial.

I dont care for your opinion I just want the answer.

Re: Make Game Engine

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:52 am
by MasterGod
vgamecoder wrote:I was wondering how to make a game engine. I have done my own searching but I couldnt find anything.
You haven't searched enough.
vgamecoder wrote:I dont care for your opinion I just want the answer.
With that attitude I lost any will to help you :?

Then I don't care for your problem, I just want you to ask nicely.

Re: Make Game Engine

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:27 am
by zeno60
MasterGod wrote:Then I don't care for your problem.
Enough said.

Well put.

I'd start here if I were you:

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:34 am
by dlangdev
I care...

I really

True, very true, everybody cares...


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:54 am
by chaotischerapostel
Directx 3d, go buy a book on programing with it, I have one that goes through the process of making an entire game engine(grafix, sound, networking, combat systems, scripting systems, ect.), I have no intrest in making a 3d grafiz engine but the book is still great for referance and everything else required for a game

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:37 am
by Dorth
Wow, that's got to be one of the worst entrance yet...

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:49 am
by JP
Yah, pretty weak man... And you started off so well!

As MasterGod says, you've not searched enough. There's a huge number of game engines in the world so googling should find loads. If you mean ones made with irrlicht then i can think of at least 2, ok, one that's actually usable right now (;)) and both are easy to find!

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:17 pm
by rogerborg
Oh, I remember this charming chap. He's the fellow who berated bitplane for helping him. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:05 am
by vgamecoder
As MasterGod says, you've not searched enough. There's a huge number of game engines in the world so googling should find loads. If you mean ones made with irrlicht then i can think of at least 2, ok, one that's actually usable right now () and both are easy to find!
I want to know how to make a game engine not to find one...
vgamecoder wrote:
I was wondering how to make a game engine. I have done my own searching but I couldnt find anything.
You haven't searched enough.
Yes I have I have looked everywhere.
vgamecoder wrote:
I dont care for your opinion I just want the answer.

With that attitude I lost any will to help you

Then I don't care for your problem, I just want you to ask nicely.
OMG I said that because of this. I didnt want to hear people not answering me because its too advanced for me or what ever. This happened in my last post. No one answered my question not even reading the question but giving an opinion I didnt ask for. I wanted a strait
answer without the anoying opinion. It was a request not a rude statment. I was hoping you all would have respected that.
Wow, that's got to be one of the worst entrance yet...
That is why I made the comment. To avoid posts like that. That gave me no answer just an opinion I specificly said I didnt want!
Directx 3d, go buy a book on programing with it, I have one that goes through the process of making an entire game engine(grafix, sound, networking, combat systems, scripting systems, ect.), I have no intrest in making a 3d grafiz engine but the book is still great for referance and everything else required for a game
The only normal answer so far... I will try that thank you.

But I still would like more answers please.
Can you please give more answers? Preferably online rather then books.
/*Dont like books :cry: */
Master you said I havent searched enough. Does that mean you have some? Please tell me?

And PLEASE /*Better?*/ this time without the opinions maybe?

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:44 am
by xDan
It's a bit hard to suggest things without knowing what level you're at.

But anyway I suggest...

First of all you must PLAN your engine. What sort of game? (FPS, third person action, flight sim.... or some general purpose thing...)

Then think of what parts you need... e.g. for an FPS you might want - physics, controllable first person character, AI characters, sounds (integrated with physics??).....

Draw on paper or UML or something how you think all these parts fit together...

If you have no idea how things like physics engines, sound integrate with a game then i'd suggest making some small prototypes to test these different elements out. And search the forums for example code.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:53 am
by vgamecoder
What about the actual making of the game engine? Sorry if I wasnt being clear I want to know what code goes into the engine and where to find the code that does.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:52 am
by sRc
vgamecoder wrote:What about the actual making of the game engine? Sorry if I wasnt being clear I want to know what code goes into the engine and where to find the code that does.
so you want us to write it for you?


Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:19 am
by rogerborg
vgamecoder wrote:This happened in my last post. No one answered my question not even reading the question but giving an opinion I didnt ask for.
Incorrect. You received comprehensive answers to all of your multiple questions. If you don't understand the answers, then please rephrase your questions.

You also received opinions on the magnitude of completing the task that you chose to mention in your post. An appropriate response to that would have been be to thank people for bothering to take the time to engage with you. Pissing and moaning at volunteers for taking an interest in your goals is not the way to obtain assistance.

Would you like to start over, this time by making it enjoyable for us to help you?

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:34 am
by xDan
What about the actual making of the game engine?
Planning IS a great part of the "actual making". Seriously, the coding is probably much less.

When you've planned it it will become clear what code you need.

Or have you already designed it? But you didn't say that.
Sorry if I wasnt being clear I want to know what code goes into the engine and where to find the code that does.
OK well add "code" onto my feature suggestions, e.g. physics CODE, controllable first person character CODE, AI character CODE, sound integration CODE. Voila! :)

As to the specifics of how this code functions, no one's gonna tell you that, as said, that would be writing/designing it for you. But what people might do is point you to posts and code snippets in the forum, and they'd find them by using the search function, which you are just as capable of using yourself. So stop talking about it and get learning! :P

*strange feeling of deja vu*

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:14 am
by sio2
vgamecoder wrote:What about the actual making of the game engine? Sorry if I wasnt being clear I want to know what code goes into the engine and where to find the code that does.
You could always go and get the full source code to something like Quake3. That's a complete game and the full source code has been made available by id software. Get it, compile it, study it, alter it, whatever.