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free models OFFER

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 4:42 pm
by hruza
some links to free models -I was not checking them up so I dont know if they are hi or low poly: ... =580&page= ... =619&page= ... =672&page=

Great stuff from alexey vlasov:

my small adition which you can download on my page:
Model is 1516 triangles big without weapons and 1864 triangles with them and untextured. you can use it for what ever you want. Just put a credit for me to your project.

yet unfinished texture:

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 5:07 pm
by Peter Müller
How to download?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 5:22 pm
by vermeer
then Vlasov models are free to use ?

Well, since start they're free for non comercial as he stated, then ensured they're his...?

Just curiosity. I don't mind as I'm a game artist myself (and I think if really he is someone who's company screwed him with payment, I know well the feeling and I hope the company have not luck if so...) But was curious.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 5:34 pm
by vermeer
btw, I like his sketches...good fo rconcept art, specially as they're clear and expresive (I'm an illustrator myself)

Dunno, is quite an strange thing...its a load of work is giving away, although not for coemrcial...and is in max format. I think.

Well...i think I have posted in these forums, but as this thread seems to be a kind of compilation of free models, here I go (just remember I usually delete often stuf fro my sever for space, if I feel the need I may delete them at any moment )

a ~ 1400 triangles generic man model

you need an special compresor, free, :
a ~2000 triangles fps like one

and last one (man with shirt, you needda bone the shirt) is hosted in a free site, here :

If u modify it don't say I made them :)

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 8:32 pm
by arras
I am sorry I forget to log in before I was posting. quest hruza == me :)

...when asked for password tipe:
password: all
login: all

my page is:
there you can download that elf archer

vermeer>> I was just posting link. I cant prove if those models are made by him. This you have to find out yourself. I was newer downloading them nor using them since I prefere to do stuf myself. I was posting it here since lot of people cant model themself and are searching for free models. I also dont know if he is offering it just for noncomercial projects or if its totaly free..

If you want you can ask him yourself here is his e-mail: (I would surly do if I would like to use his models comercialy)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 2:44 am
by etcaptor
Hi all,
and thanks for links arras.
Take a look for
Alecey Vlasov wrote:
"New models, weapons,textures,roms added
MORE 100 packed Mb!!! Absolutly FREE for your different project!!!"

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 9:15 am
by vermeer
I know, I know you just were posting the link. And also, I do agree is great for people to have models. specially as placeholders. In case of putting a project to download...for even free projects wouldn't be legal if a company retains rights. But...I suspect that in the discussion about it in certain forum, is the guy who has reason. I mean, I do prefer to believe the artist rather than the company. yet though, I can't ensure yet.

And yep, the guy, Vlasov, already stated those are for free, non comercial projects, he said so. You need to contact him in case you want them for comercial projects.

You rmodel looks good, arras.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 4:37 pm
by sybixsus
These models have been doing the rounds on TheGameCreators and Blitz forums. I emailed the "author" personally and he indeed confirmed that the models are free for non-commercial use, but you have to arrange payment with him for commercial use.

However the "author" doesn't have the copyright and has no right to say what we can do with them. Another guy contacted the publisher of a game called Kreed, which appeared to be using the media that was being given away on Skyfall. They replied :

I've took a look at this site. There are models and
textures taken from Kreed released in Russia and bought by
Acclaim for the word wide. This materials were stolen, either
they could be taken from the release disk in Russia. We'll do
what we can to close this site and to take to judge the people
from SkyFallen (game development studio also from Russia, city
of Voronezh).

Best regards,
Vladimir Nikolaev
Without access to contracts, we can't really be sure if the author has kept the copyright or whether it was sold outright to Acclaim, but it really does look as though you'd be putting yourself in a really risky situation to take any chances with the media. They are quality models and textures, but they're not worth that kind of risk, at least not for me.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 5:37 pm
by Tyn
IMO, it is a little dishonest to use 3rd party models if you are planning to sell a product. No offense meant, just that I would expect that if I was paying for something that I would be getting original models and ( mostly ) code. They aren't going to care particualy if you are using it in a non-commerical situation as it's not worth the effort, it's a matter of pride rather than fraud. Courts don't care much for pride :)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:40 pm
by vermeer
I have a feeling th eguy could be saying the truth... as...

"either they could be taken from the release disk in Russia"

if you saw, the models are in Max never ever is so in the release disk.

Why? max format is not optimized, probaly Max format is strongly copyrighted (I don't know) , for encryption reasons, etc, etc... I gotta think in one single title with models in max format.usually, max format means...the guy having is the artist who made it, or someone that did steal the models from the studio.

Who knows.

The problem is even if the guy is right...I have done work as so...and u usually don't sign as to catch the gig...this is the why it HAVE to be made, in case they really screwed him. Distros and studios do this WAY often, so it could be either thing.

I have been suffering that and...from a HUGE distributor. (me and other mates with me)

A pitty as is a load of work put free.(for non comercial)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 1:20 am
by sybixsus
Tyn wrote:IMO, it is a little dishonest to use 3rd party models if you are planning to sell a product. No offense meant, just that I would expect that if I was paying for something that I would be getting original models and ( mostly ) code. They aren't going to care particualy if you are using it in a non-commerical situation as it's not worth the effort, it's a matter of pride rather than fraud. Courts don't care much for pride :)
Hmm.. I assume you mean dishonest to the person who buys the game rather than to the artist, who would have to have been happy for the models to be used in such a way for it to have happened in the first place.

I don't think 99/100 gamers would care, even if they knew. They buy a game for the game, and they will judge it by whether or not they enjoyed it. I mean, if you watch a film you don't feel cheated because you saw the actor in another film, do you? Sound Effects are re-used in games all the time. Vast amounts of code is reused because of engines. If someone told me that Deus Ex shared textures/models with another game, would I think any less of it? No, it was a fun game and well worth £30.

Since this is a thread on free models, I have a low-poly spaceship on TurboSquid which is free for non-commercial and commercial use. Seriously, do what you want with it, I don't care. It's nothing special and only took me a few hours, but it mght come in useful for someone. ... ullPreview

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:09 am
by Tyn
Sound Effects are re-used in games all the time
Special effects consist mostly of particle systems and shader code. There's plenty of CG code on the net to do most effects, game companies to the best of my knowledge don't trade shader algortihms with each other like shiny footie stickers :)

IMO, models are something different. Comparing it to actors is a bad analogy as the 3D meshes aren't getting paid, or even paid for. It is my belief that using other people's models that weren't intended for your game is a cop out if you are planning to sell the game to people. They may not know the difference but does that make it right?

Maybe I'm alone but I believe if 100's of open source game projects produce high quality models for their games I would expect that if I were paying to have dedicated modellers assigned to the game, working from concept art drawn specifically for the game, not a generic mesh found on the net that someone did for a now dead project and has allowed others to use.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 5:03 pm
by vermeer

Take this just as a "dump" from what i think about this matter, only that...

You know how much it cost to pay a gfx man -if he's any good, as imho is way more important that the graphics are not seen as crap rather than if tehy're original; it jump into your face quicker a model with short legs than amodel that reminds me a bit to ut2k4 models, and in its perfection also...not encouraging ppl to rip models, anyway...- than the usual amateur developer or house is able or willing to pay.

In my case. I somehow have worked at this with a salary, and you bet what an amateur , home developer, or even tiny company (3, 4 guys with some money) is way not the quantity it'd worth for me...basicly, it wont pay me the hours put in it. It's higly devaluated in amateur field...some people try to get good models for 100$, and seen making the offer of 15$ for a modelled, textured, and rigged CUSTOM model..(geez..) There are some kiddies that fall into this , and then the developer gets some cilinder crap with a pair of extrudings that the artist call "arms" :roll:

basicly, for you to have a collection of models looking good... you'd need a load of money, even mores if as u say, you them custom made from drawings. I'd charge a load. been offered lately a huge quantity (never seen in forums anyway) for a collection like that for a game. But is a quantity really big.

Yep, option is grab models out there and modify , heavily or not. I don my models from scratch , my own drawings, or directly from my imagination...

I cannot code a single line. if ur lucky to be an execellent modeller and and a very good coder, then yes, that other theory would be possible, but probably you wont then be able to have a life, then...

Really it's even hard to see good modellers by its own, not to mention that they even may code...

So...I don't see anything wrong in using models free on the net. yep, there are really few, and even less well done...well, is you chance to learn a bit modifying them...with drastic change to textures is quite hard to distingish a model from another, in fact.

But hey, yep, is ideal to have a modeller do custom models for you, even from concept texts and drawings....

I've done that and wont do again unless for a load of money or with certain very goood friends of mine...

Also the atist needda be really relazed and free of compromises, job hunt and stuff...and in artists, this is quite hard to have situation, trust me...

is just like a "hey, be aware of this" but if you already knew all this, please, forgive me...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:20 am
by Tyn
I don't think you need vast amounts of cash, there are plenty of quality modellers around the net. I used to work on an open source project that has a couple of really good modellers who were working for free. I think some of em did it professionally, but if they charged so much would you expect them to give up their time and skills to an open source project? Many modellers need to build up a portfolio to take onto bigger projects and start small. Of cause, you have to find them, but personally I think it is lazyness to include downloaded models from the net if you are planning to sell. Open source projects are different, they aren't making any money, games for resale are making cash and should make the effort. That's my view on it anyway. There's bound to be others who disagree.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:30 pm
by vermeer
"there are plenty of quality modellers around the net."

Not hurrying so much to work for cheap or free.

You'll find very few ones to work for cheap or free, at least good ones. No need to be excellent, just ones that make models without big errors.

And those few -seems u had luck finding 2 on that project- surely will work on a project if they feel very identified with it/like it a lot/is the game of their lives, or if there's some dozen years friendship.
That if for free. And to make it cheap, just...the artist is not making kind of speculation; is just the hours, and when u see an expensive price, you should know the hours it takes to make it, an dthe huge effort to make it well.

I know this well, I wande the net a lot. The ones working for free I have seen are massively bad. Still, there are some exceptions, but tend to be the cases I was referring to.

And working cheap i slike working free: u're not getting per hour even what u'll earn washing cars.

Different stuff is if an artist finds a project he always wanted to make...then he'll wont matter.But is not usual.Now think what u want, I have seen this through years.... If u've been already lucky, good for u.

I'm an artist, I have worked in this as a job, and while I am giving these models for free (not very sure why, indeed) I can tell you I am not cheap anymore.

One tends to be cheap once one is learning, only.

Is like...well, if you are making a project you like, and wanna give free, I have done this sometimes, but when you are pretending to may sell your modeller software or routine, or whatever, at 25$, but that's PER COPY, not custom work.then again, you want original models only.Well, just calculate the money that mete Ciragan earn with his Milkshape, and tell me if I must earn those 25$ only once.

Turbosquid, and many othe rplaces SELL generic models. WAY mor expensive that u could imagine -again, those of quality- 400$, etc. And in fact, they're sellable to every one,No one has go exclusive rights. I , or any other artist having worked at this, may not have a selling point, but i don't know why I have to earn per hour then less than the less qualified work in earth.

There are sometimes great modellers attach them self to a project, because very deep friendship, because game is the one they always wanted top make...whatever. (not much more reasons anyway) but is rare. More if they're good.

Most stuff I find out there in mods, amateur projects, etc. Is bad stuff, or near to bad.

is the point when developer decides what to do. I only say there's a tendency to not consider the real value of work in artwork as is done in programming.This happens too often.I have seen it.