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added to IGUIListBox setOverrideFont function [GUI][C++]

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:11 pm
by sp00n
So, in my current project I need to use multiple fonts in the listbox, and i desided add it directly to Irrlicht.
I added two functions: setOverrideFont and getOverrideFont, also modifyed addItem. Well, this are modyfications:

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//! adds an list item with an icon
		//! \param text Text of list entry
		//! \param icon Sprite index of the Icon within the current sprite bank. Set it to -1 if you want no icon
		//! \param new_font Font of the item, if 0 uses default font
		//! \return
		//! returns the id of the new created item
		virtual u32 addItem(const wchar_t* text, s32 icon, IGUIFont * new_font = 0) = 0;

		//! sets an override font ot item
		virtual void setItemOverrideFont(s32 id, IGUIFont * ov_font) = 0;

		//! gets the font of the item
		virtual IGUIFont * getItemOverrideFont (s32 id) = 0;

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//! adds an list item with an icon
		//! \param text Text of list entry
		//! \param icon Sprite index of the Icon within the current sprite bank. Set it to -1 if you want no icon
		//! \param new_font Font of the item, if 0 uses default font
		//! \return
		//! returns the id of the new created item
		virtual u32 addItem(const wchar_t* text, s32 icon, IGUIFont * new_font = 0);

		//! sets the font of the item
		virtual void setItemOverrideFont(s32 id, IGUIFont * ov_font);

		//! gets the font of the item
		virtual IGUIFont * getItemOverrideFont (s32 id);
struct ListItem
			ListItem() : icon(-1) 

			core::stringw text;
			s32 icon;
			gui::IGUIFont* itemFont;//Font of the item

			// A multicolor extension
			struct ListItemOverrideColor
				ListItemOverrideColor() : Use(false) {}
				bool Use;
				video::SColor Color;
			ListItemOverrideColor OverrideColors[EGUI_LBC_COUNT];

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void CGUIListBox::draw()
textRect.UpperLeftCorner.X += ItemsIconWidth+3;

				if ( i==Selected && hl )
					if (Items[i].itemFont)
						Items[i].itemFont->draw(Items[i].text.c_str(), textRect,
						hasItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT) ? getItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT) : getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT),
						false, true, &clientClip);
					Font->draw(Items[i].text.c_str(), textRect,
						hasItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT) ? getItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT) : getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LBC_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT),
						false, true, &clientClip);
					if (Items[i].itemFont)
						Items[i].itemFont->draw(Items[i].text.c_str(), textRect,
						hasItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT) ? getItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT) : getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LBC_TEXT),
						false, true, &clientClip);
					Font->draw(Items[i].text.c_str(), textRect,
						hasItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT) ? getItemOverrideColor(i, EGUI_LBC_TEXT) : getItemDefaultColor(EGUI_LBC_TEXT),
						false, true, &clientClip);

				textRect.UpperLeftCorner.X -= ItemsIconWidth+3;

//! adds an list item with an icon
u32 CGUIListBox::addItem(const wchar_t* text, s32 icon, IGUIFont * new_font)
	ListItem i;
	i.text = text;
	i.icon = icon;
	if (new_font)
		i.itemFont = new_font;
		if (Font)
			i.itemFont = Font;
			i.itemFont = 0;


	return Items.size() - 1;

void CGUIListBox::setItemOverrideFont(s32 id, IGUIFont * ov_font)
	if (ov_font)
		Items[id].itemFont = ov_font;

IGUIFont* CGUIListBox::getItemOverrideFont(s32 id)
	if (Items[id].itemFont)
		return Items[id].itemFont;
		return 0;
Now I have a question - did i miss any memory leaks? Because when i add to the destructor loop with all items drop their fonts it asserts me on drop(), when i remove it all ok and compiler/linker doesn't say me anything about leaks.
p.s. here's the link to sources -
p.p.s. oh and it needs to modify recalculateItemHeight() function, but just it no needs in my current project (i have all fonts with the same height) i didn't realize it yet, but may be tommorow i'll modify it :)
Best regards.
Here's the screen: