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War of the planets: info about the games and engine

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:50 pm
by Julian
War of the planets and War of the planets: inhuman are games in development by Destructive Games.
I thought to create this post here to promote our games since our engine renderer is a modified version of irrlicht (check Gold Engine: for more info).
Also more screenshots coming soon and for more info keep an eye on the destructive games website(under construction) and forums.

War Of The Planets (RTS):

There is no meteor headed towards Earth and the sun is not about to supernova. Humans have simply overpopulated it.
The world government has combined its resources to formulate a space program that is shoddy at best.
Casting humans out in ships like a net to cover as much of the nearest galaxies as possible,
we finally come upon a planet that looks inhabitable. Equipped with modern-day weaponry and
tools. The humans of one ship land in a remote area.
But what they didn't know is that there was another race on the planet.

War Of The Planets: Inhuman (FPS):

While the fight already begun on the planet there are still teams on their way to the planet.
You and your team land 3 days after the first teams arrived at the planet and you are going straight into hell.
Blood is spilled everywhere, Corpses and body parts everywhere, and the worst is that there are allot of aliens.
We have to prepare for the worst cause the aliens may be planning something

Gold Engine:

Gold Engine is the engine behind the War of the planets games.
More info coming soon :).


Irrlicht's shader demo running with Gold Engine (working on a new demo with own shaders which will replace this shot):


A test in RTS style(not using WOTP content ofcourse :)):


War of the planets Login screen:


War of the planets Lobby:


more screenshots available on the destructive games forums :).
If there are any questions ask away :).

Re: War of the planets: info about the games and engine

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:32 pm
by rogerborg
Julian wrote:I thought to create this post here to promote our games since our engine renderer is a modified version of irrlicht
Great, thanks for letting us know.

Julian wrote:(check Gold Engine: for more info).
Where? How?

Julian wrote:more screenshots available on the destructive games forums :).

Julian wrote:If there are any questions ask away :).
Question: how do you intend to attract 25 people when your concept is one step above "ZOMG BUG EYED MONSTARS!!!!!" ?

Re: War of the planets: info about the games and engine

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:25 pm
by Midnight
roger wrote:"ZOMG BUG EYED MONSTARS!!!!!"

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:12 pm
by GameDude
Everything looks good. But I don't see any info on the Gold Engine, and there is a lot of stuff missing from the forums, that you said would be there. I realize that the site is still under construction. But please put up what you have promised.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:41 am
by TheBeef
You need to post more than just game ideas. I understand it's a WIP and all, but you need to talk about what the technical features will be to entice us fellow game developers.

Also, your RTS sounds a lot like Starcraft (ie, Terran discovers Zerg and is like "omgwtf").

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:27 pm
by Julian
Yeah true lot of stuff aint included yet so it was a stupid post but ill keep you guys updated :) currently working hard last few months i've only been able to work in weekends so more updates will be coming soon :).