Error: Help me i'm very new to this

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Location: i'm lost, help me!

Error: Help me i'm very new to this

Post by IllegalEnzyme »

Ok, i was trying the Hello World Tutorial using DevC++ and when t compiled i got the following error:

[Linker error] undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video11EDriverTypeERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKw'

I have no idea what it means as i am very new to this. It's weird cos it doesn't happen when i9 compile the example source but if i copy the example source into another blank project i get the same error.

Please help its driving me insane!!!!
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Post by darkraven »

Not sure exactly if this is a solution as I'm still learning too but make sure that you are linking to the dev c++ irrlicht libs. To me that sounds like the problem as I've had those problems when I've forgotten to include the librarys.
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Post by IllegalEnzyme »

ok, thanx for replying anyway.

anyone else know whats going on?
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Re: Error: Help me i'm very new to this

Post by Acki »

IllegalEnzyme wrote:It's weird cos it doesn't happen when i9 compile the example source but if i copy the example source into another blank project i get the same error.
I think you have not set the include path and library files for irrlicht correctly !?!?!
You have to include this under the projects propertys...

CU, Acki
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Location: i'm lost, help me!

Post by IllegalEnzyme »

Thanx Acki it works now!!!
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Post by jl0206 »

I think the project is a consle not a windows one
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