I need to achieve a specific display within in my application. This is to show a model with hidden lines removed. I have achieved this result, no problem at all and it is done, by displaying a wireframe of the model, plus displaying all the faces in the model with the same colour. However, when a mesh buffer was created with a vertex colour, IT is used for the colour of the material, resulting in some of the faces in the model, displaying in the original colour, rather that the 'uniform' hidden line plane colour.
I hope this makes sense. I basically want to display the scene, but the engine should ignore the vertex colour. Of course I can go through all the nodes and set the vertex colour (using a mesh manipulator), but then I loose the original colour of the vertex, which I do require. I could copy the vertex buffer to a temp buffer, change the vertex colours and then copy it back, when the mode is switched off, but that does sound slow and uses a lot of extra memory.
Any clever ideas?