CollisionResponseAnimator and Quadratic gravity acceleration

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CollisionResponseAnimator and Quadratic gravity acceleration

Post by WhytWulf »

Niko. I know you fixed the wall climbing bug, and I mentioned that there probably was a use for it... EG: simplified AI path finding... if an AI needed to get to a player on teh other side of a wall, with the new CollisionResponseAnimator you would probably either have to make the AI use A* on the floor mesh to get to the target, or, use a more complex 3d based search and have the AI work out that the wall needs to be jumped over to get to the target. With the old version it would function very much like Anarchy Online (the AI sucks), and the AI just makes a beeline straight to your hiding place (anything else you do to hide from attack is an exploit (bah humbug) :).

Is there a way to reactivate the old CollisionResponseAnimator bug, but keep the new one.. IE have a flag, that can be switched.. EG: AI is in patrol mode. follow waypoints, don't climb walls.. Oh lookout!! and evader, (switch to pursuemode), chase player to the ends of the earth, using amazing spiderperson like wall climbing abilities..

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Post by niko »

Currently not possible, but would be a good idea to add this feature in then next release.
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