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Some (idle) reflections about animation.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:04 pm
by Oddmonger

I tried to give a gun to Sydney (md2 model from media directory of Irrlicht's samples). Alas, I rapidly understood that md2 formats (and all morphing animation based formats) were not designed for this kind of stuff.

Ok, so what's else ? Skeletal animation with bones, nice!

Not so fast, John, it's not quite as simple as that.

1) what format ?
So you have the choice:
  • X (microsoft format) : seems not advised to use in Irrlicht.
    ms3d (milkshape) : seems to be good, better than X, in any case.
    b3d (Blitz format): seems to have the best support in Irrlicht.
Which format would you advise ? Have i forgotten one ?

2) what tools ?
For Blitz conversions, Milkshape seems to be the best.
For modelling, i think Blender is the best (but for exporting ?)
Which tools are you using ? I mainly develop with Linux, but i can use MS-Windows as well if there are no others choices.

3) api change since Irrlicht 1.4
I read that there's some api changes in skeletal animation, since 1.4.
I can't find again the thread again in Irrlicht forums, but i'm sure i read something about this.

Thanks for reading.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:10 pm
by hybrid
No, there haven't been too many changes sice 1.4, but 1.3/1.4 was a rather huge leap.