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Dynamic Library in Linux

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:29 pm
by eMgz
Hi all, im trying to use irrlicht on Linux for an important work at college that uses CVS (Concurrent Versions System). The problem is that the static library is too big (36MB) as is the dynamic library (23.5MB) for an internal CVS and the work is more like a 2D than a 3D application (its about traffic simulation, like a SimCity, but i still need the third D).
Am I doing something wrong? I compiled the source/Irrlicht with make sharedlib and make install.
Maybe irrlicht isnt the engine im looking for this work because the machines here arent so fast and most of them runs Mesa (I need to install the Nvidia drivers properly), if so, can anyone suggest a lighter/better one for this case?


Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:18 pm
by CuteAlien
Compile the engine with -s (for strip symbols from binary) and it will get a lot smaller. It will still need a few MB (maybe around 6, but Id didn't try with current version) , so if that is still too much you might consider just checking in the sources of the engine.

I don't know how well it runs with Mesa - you have to try yourself if the speed is sufficient. But without hardware acceleration I don't think it matters that much which engine you use. Irrlicht might work even rather well in that case, as you can just use it's software renderer.

Edit: On linux you can also call after compilation:
strip yourapplication
I just tested that with the binary of the examples which were linked statically and it reduced it from 20MB to 2,5 MB.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:10 pm
by eMgz
Thanks for the reply, the -s option worked very well, now the shared object is about 4MB, i think that the CVS users can handle it.
And yes, the matter here is about the renderer, not the engine!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 8:42 pm
by hybrid
Mesa gave me only a handful of FPS last time I tried. The burningsvideo is much faster, at least with the low quality settings.
If you need to strip the size even further you should disable those things not necessary for your app, e.g. some mesh loaders or the GUI.