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Post by VPB »

how to modify this code so it works without using namespace:


Thanks in advance
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Post by tip »

you mean
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Post by VPB »

i'm disabling:

using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
using namespace io;
using namespace gui;

but i don't know how to add namespaces to that line of code to get it to work :(


Post by Guest »

Like for using it in a language that doesnt support namespaces
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Post by saigumi »

irr::IrrDevice* device;
irr::u32 time = device->getTimer()->getTime();

The irr:: is the Irrlicht namespace.
Crud, how do I do this again?
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Post by VPB »

Thanks for all your help.

but my real problem was a conflict with Raknet(Multiplayer.h) and Irrlicht.
So I worked around de timer 8)
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Post by blayde »

i'm having the same problem, how did you get around it ?


class ITimer : public IUnknown

//! destructor
virtual ~ITimer() {}

//! returns current time in milliseconds. This value does not start
//! with 0 when the application starts. For example in one implementation
//! the value returne could be the amount of milliseconds which
//! have elapsed since the system was started.
virtual u32 getTime() = 0;

I get these errors about teh getTime() line :

25 C:\lfa\kenato\code\irrlicht-0.6\include\ITimer.h
cannot declare member
25 C:\lfa\kenato\code\irrlicht-0.6\include\ITimer.h
parse error before `->'
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Post by the_viking »

The problem with Raknet and Irrlicht lies in the getTime-Class of Raknet, which includes the windows-header. As i found out, Windows has anywhere hidden an IUnknown Interface class... so there's a Problem because now there are two IUnknown classes... :)

I solved that in re-writing the getTime functionallity of Raknet, but it's still some problem :)

Can't niko rename the IUnknown interface to IIrrUnknown? That would solve some problems like that i think... ;)
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Post by blayde »

wow, quick reply, thanks.

that's a bugger. I think I would like to see all clases and namespaces etc made to be as unique to irr' as possible; by prepending them with Irr
eg IrrString
to remove any conflicts with other libraries out there, like String for example ;)

It's probably better coding and I consider it more professional to do so.

It's a fantasic engine nevertheless. It's just that little things like this make the "easy-to-use" engine that much more difficult to use.
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Post by punt »

the_viking wrote: Can't niko rename the IUnknown interface to IIrrUnknown? That would solve some problems like that i think... ;)
That is the purpose of having namespaces, so you dont get these conflicts. By effectively disabling them, you opened it up to potential conflicts. If that one is fixed, who knows for certain where the next one will pop up (based on other libraries that will be used, etc). Thus, why C++ came up with namespaces, and why, in a mixed library usage, they should probably be used.
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Post by the_viking »

but having a


every time you need a vector is quite uncomfortable I think...

Also MS VC++ seems to have problems with namespaces...
And IIrrUnknown won't make a conflict with other libraries i think
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Post by blayde »

punt wrote: That is the purpose of having namespaces, so you dont get these conflicts. By effectively disabling them, you opened it up to potential conflicts.
I dont understand, are you suggesting a solution ?

Unlike the author of this thread I am using all the namespaces, and it hasn't helped me one bit. I'm not actually using the thing that has a problem. It just got included along with everything else, and its' name conflicts with something else i guess.

Which I why I suggested the unique names thing. That way namespaces or no you have a much more limited chance of problems. I mean irrlicht has the object String defined. Like no one else has ever defined that, coughSTL cough.
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Post by warui »

But STL has std::string, and Irrlicht uses irr::core::string. If you are using namespaces as you said it should have no problems :)
Tomasz Nowakowski
Openoko -
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Post by blayde »

warui wrote:But STL has std::string, and Irrlicht uses irr::core::string. If you are using namespaces as you said it should have no problems :)
hmmm, not what i meant. i do that anyway and it's a PITA.

why put all your eggs in one basket is waht i'm thinking : namespaces are great but they're not going to solve world hunger. and after recognising that they are not perfect why not help yourself a little by making your life a little easier and take the time to give your classes (fairly) unique names.

not only would that help conflicts like you get with String, but you also make your code a little clearer : i'm making a game that will use gfx, snd, net, physics and my own libraries. so there's going to be a few different variable types in there. and if i can save myself some time and thinking by having the owner of the library clearly marked for each variable then why not.

it's not a revolutionary idea. it's just one more step from
int* MyInt;
int* pMyInt;

i mean, niko already has most of the classes covered with this idea. i'd just like to see that applied to all classes. kill two birds with one stone :
1) reduce probability of these collisions
2) increase constantcy of irrlicht object/type naming convention

plus ! typing IrrString instead of irr::core::string is saving me 8 whole characters ! ( not to mention it's a whole buttload better readability and maintainability wise )

hmm, i'm taking this thread off topic. should i move this to a seperate thread. i feel like making a poll about this :D
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Post by blayde »

solved my prob :)

once i found out that devcpp wasn't shoing me the whole error message i got some more clues. basically raknet has a
#define getTime blahblah

so that scews up irr's getTime

I edited raknet to not need the define, and now irr' and rak' compiled fine together. I have the edited files for raknet 2.26 if anyone needs them :)
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