Putting together: map + models

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Putting together: map + models

Post by bruno.arruda »


I´m new to Irrlich and also to game development. I spent last weeks studying a lot about modeling and gaming theaory. I was using 3D Game Studio cause it has a lot of things integrated. But today I´ve checked Irrlicht and done the tutorials, and i´m finding it AWESOME.

PS.: I´m a experienced JAVA programmer, that has worked with C++ a looong time ago, but it will not be so difficult to refresh it : )

Ok, I REALLY believe that this question was made before, but I really dont know how to search for it, cause I´m a newbie and a lot of concepts are mixed in my head.

So, my scenario: I was able to run al the tutorials and understand them. I was able to use 3d WORLD studio to build a map and succesfully use it on Irrlicht. On that map I was able to create models(mesh) via code.

Now, my question is based on the fact that 3D Game Studio "integrates" a lot of things ant I don´t know WELL the frontier between them. For example, If I want to model a room with 4 chairs and a table, I would make the room place at the 3d WORLD studio(using primitives texturized) and model the chair and table on max or whatever 3d tool. SO the question is, how do I put them together ? I really do not believe that I must add every single model(4 chairs + 1 table) from my level manually coding them(adding the meshes), I hope I´m right :D

Sorry for the big post hehehe

Thanks a LOT in advance,

Best Regards,

Bruno Arruda
Posts: 32
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Post by Gogolian »

well it depends on what final effect do you want.
If they will stand still whole time (not get rotated, translated, scaled) you can just integrate them with your room model. I don't know much about 3D wordl studio but i recommend Blender for 3D Graphics ;)

If you want the models (chair, table, naked wo... ekhem!... etc. ;) ) to be able to move (or do any other action that is separate from enviroment) then you MUST load them to separate objects ;)

But do not Fear!
Remember basics? Tables? ;) ( int i[100]; )

Have a nice work. Keep it goin'
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Post by bruno.arruda »

Thanks for the fast answer.

Hmm, I´m not sure if I got it. YOu mean, in blender I can put for example *.obj inside the level, and when I save the level the model would be inside it? Cause at 3d world studio I cant find this option.

THanks again.
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Post by bruno.arruda »

Actually, I was able to add the model at 3d world studio, everything is fine there, but when I try to load the level at irrlich it buggs everything, i think it is a mapping problem. I´m using the SAME code, when I load the level WITHOUT the model it works fine, when I add the model it gets messy...

Still trying to solve it....

thanks again
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Post by bitplane »

Try this 3dw loader. If it's out of date, your other options are IrrEdit, pc0de's exporter for Blender, or etcaptor's Visual Editor
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Post by bruno.arruda »

Thanks for the info. I´ve really liked the 3d world studio, i will try more. Does anybody has a working example of a level with models made on 3d world studio ??

thanks again ppl.
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Post by Gogolian »

I really suggest you to start using (learning) blender ;)
1. It is FREE
2. It is really good 3D editor which is almost always up to date with new 3D editing Techniques. (for example Scupult mode - best for creating terrains)
3. It has very large ammount of users. (non-official tutorials, etc)
and many others...

(Ok i know... it really sounds like advertisment ;P)

If you want to merge some 3d objects try:
a) Opening new project in blender
b) delete this cube which is created every time new project in blender starts
c) Try importing (or doing yourself) terrain (or room)
d) SAVE YOUR WORK (This is one of very few blender disadvantages: when you close unsaved project, blender WILL NOT ASK YOU to save it, the program just quits ;) )
e) Try importing (while your terrain project is opened) other 3ds meshes (lamps, chairs etc.)
f) Move them to the location you want
g) Export whole scene to your destined format (probably you want 3ds ;) i personally recomend you .obj)

I'm not sure but before exporting you may have to merge all objects into one (save before that!)

So, go on and learn blender interface ;)
You've got Megatutorial here:
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Post by bruno.arruda »

Ok men, you won! : )

I will give a try! With .obj I believe I´m able to load the level inti irrlicht?

thanks very much for your patience.

Best Regards.
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat May 17, 2008 10:49 pm

Post by Gogolian »

no prob.
I'm too new with irrlicht, and i want to try to do some things (to get familiar with irrlicht) before starting a game project.
I just gotten a job today, so i probably won't be able to be on the forum so often.

yeah you can use obj of course, but you may have problem with collisions so i already post a solution :D:D:D


Code: Select all

createTriangleSelector(mesh, node);
where mesh is terrain mesh, and node is created from that mesh

Code: Select all

createTriangleSelector(mesh->getMesh(0), node);
And, hey! Maybe some day you will help me ;)
And the darkness begun...
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