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Ogre / Comercial Games camera Perspective

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:20 am
by almondega
all samples that comes with irrlicht has that wierd kind of perpective, not real life vision

there are this topic about this subject ... erspective

but, there are no solution
i want to know if there are a way to draw a correct perpective, like all comercial games do today


Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:47 am
by Ion Dune
You can alter the perspective of any camera by using the setFOV function in ICameraSceneNode or by building a project matrix in CMatrix4 and setting it with setProjectionMatrix. You should be able to get whatever you want with that. I personally haven't noticed any differences between Irrlicht and other things, but I guess I haven't really been looking.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:10 am
by frostysnowman
After trolling through posts on this matter... I decided to compare the Ogre 3d bsp example and the irrlicht bsp example. I found there to be a striking difference between the perspective view of Ogre 3d bsp example and the Irrlicht bsp example. It seemed that father away from the center of the screen, things were distorted as described in this thread, and in the Ogre 3d example the distortion described was not present. I am not making any claims to the better of which 3d engine, what I am very curious to know what the difference is.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:51 am
by bull
Try : camera->setFOV(45*irr::DEGTORAD);
the default FOV value of Ogre is better, Iguess.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:10 am
by dlangdev
ewww! 45 degrees...

not really a big fan of real-fov view, though.

i think 45 degrees is 35mm approx.

17mm to 20mm is OK for me.

this is close to 35mm...

and this is the one i prefer.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:18 am
by frostysnowman
Thanks for helping a nub out bull. :D

Sorry for mini-hijacking your thread almondega.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:57 pm
by almondega
tks for reply
i'll try it sometime, and give a chance to irrlicht
since irrlich has 1000+ fps instead 200+ fps from Ogre3D, just to compare.. my display only shows 85hz, so, there's no real difference between this two good engines
(did u see that reflection samples in ogre? :shock: amazing)

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:18 pm
by rogerborg
I'd be careful about comparing FPS. First, be sure that you're comparing release-mode builds of both libraries. Also, consider that the difference between 1000fps (1ms per frame) and 200fps (5ms per frame) is 4ms per frame. If you're aiming for 30fps (~33ms) or even 60fps (~16ms) then that's not a massive difference.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:53 pm
by dlangdev
almondega wrote:tks for reply
i'll try it sometime, and give a chance to irrlicht
since irrlich has 1000+ fps instead 200+ fps from Ogre3D, just to compare.. my display only shows 85hz, so, there's no real difference between this two good engines
Interesting, you might want to do more testing on that one. Spend time, like say a minimum of 60 to 90 hours just to figure out who is faster.

Please report back when you're done.

almondega wrote: (did u see that reflection samples in ogre? :shock: amazing)
Can you post a link to those pics. I'd like to see them.

I found one link using the oracle of google. ... &view=next

Maybe that's what you're talking about? Sounds like spheremaps and cubemaps to me. RTT was implied in there as well, though they talked about static, not dynamic.

Frankly, I've just wasted my time ( about 15 minutes ) looking at Ogre which I have no interest.

I wish these Ogre v Irrlicht threads can go away. It's pointless and it wastes my time.


It's like asking a question: Have you been to Alaska? The sun never sets in Alaska, don't you know? Nya Nya Nyaaaaah!