The CXMeshFileLoader has problems parsing models from a game model library that I have purchased. Every other application that I have tried (Ultimate Unwrap, Blitz3D etc.) have no problem loading and correctly displaying these models.
I have tracked the problem down to CXMeshFileLoader::parseDataObjectMeshMaterialList, which reports "Index count per face not equal to face material index count in x file." The data it is trying to parse reads:
Code: Select all
MeshMaterialList {
There is clearly a lot more faces present than one in the mesh! However, all those faces should have the same material so instead of just aborting and returning false, CXMeshFileLoader::parseDataObjectMeshMaterialLis should be able to just assume the same material for all faces. I presume that is what other loaders do. This might even be legitimate, but I have not been able to find any good official file format reference for X.