Physics and Irrlicht animation?

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Physics and Irrlicht animation?

Post by JerryM »

I am working on a project which involves some physics. I have decided that I would like to use the Havok engine. So far, I have written some code to convert an Irrlicht mesh to a Havok mesh. I was thinking about how to continue when I stumbled upon a problem...

How can you animate models with Irrlicht and provide physics?

Think about it... your typical game loop runs something like this:
1. Physics Step
2. Render Scene (scene->drawAll)

Do you see the problem? Irrlicht animates your scene nodes in scene->drawAll! How is it even possible to correctly implement physics when Irrlicht can change the mesh after the physics have been applied?

How can I fix this?
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Post by Luke »

yep, that was one of the problems with the old system.

that's why I added the "Node->animateJoints();" function.

have a look here: ... tionSystem
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Post by rogerborg »

Any progress on fixing IAnimatedMesh::getMesh(s32 frame,...)?
Please upload candidate patches to the tracker.
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