Camera Pick?

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Camera Pick?

Post by sanctus2099 »

I'm moving from BlitzMax and MiniB3d...
There was a function called CameraPick that returned the 3D pos of the collision between the mouse and a object.
I'm not sure I'm explaining this good.
So imagine you have a plane and you go with the mouse on it. I need to get the 3d coords of the mouse on the plane. or you could thing of selecting a 3D soldier in a 3d RTS. (that's what I'm trying to do).

How can I do that in Irrlicht? (I searched but didn't find anything good)
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Post by christianclavet »

Perhaps you need to do a RAY collision test with a mesh.

Here some code extracted for theIRRai editor from JP:

Code: Select all

scene::ISceneCollisionManager* colmgr = smgr->getSceneCollisionManager();
            core::line3df ray = colmgr->getRayFromScreenCoordinates(mousePos, smgr->getActiveCamera());
// Grab the node clicked on
                scene::ISceneNode* clicked_node = colmgr->getSceneNodeFromRayBB(ray);
Hope that help...
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Post by rogerborg »

Look in your Irrlicht SDK, in example/07.Collision/main.cpp
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