
Discussion about everything. New games, 3d math, development tips...
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Post by VENATOR »

Here's the deal. I am good at designing. I'm good at drawing. I suck at modeling. I suck at texturing. I suck at allot of things. I'm a n00b with game programming as well. I've been messing with Irrlicht and blender and the like for months, but its not working out. But I know there are some cool people here who are good at these things. And I'm wondering if maybe a few of them would like to help me out with a project..

See, I've got allot of material I've been sitting on for awhile, trying to hack it on my own, and for the most part failing simply because I cant get farther than concepts and design and stuff.

So this is my idea: if anyone has some spare time and would like to be involved in creating a neat little sci-fi RTS, let me know. We might be able to work something out? I'm totally new at collaborating like this, but since I'm getting nowhere on my own, I figured, what the hell, I'll give it a shot.

Input? Help? Criticism? A point in the right direction?
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Post by piiichan »

I am an intermediate willing-to-learn-more-through-practice user of Blender.
I can do high to low poly modeling and export animated meshes in .x files.

I am also an intermediate willing-to-learn-more-through-practice user of Irrlicht. My knowledge of C++ and object-oriented programming is intermediate to advanced.

But you must understand, your post is simply saying: "Please make my game for me". :?

Without any real material, I doubt anybody will join you. :(
If you are skilled at drawing and sketches, you should join an existing team in need of your skill instead.

Now, this is only my opinion, I may be wrong...
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Post by JP »

Basically there are people here willing to help on projects which are well planned and well thought out so you need to put together a design document and explain your project; what is it, why are you doing, how is it different to anything that's been done before?

Then if someone likes the idea they may well jump on board.

Personally i can't because i don't have any time at all to spare due to other projects. But you can feel free to use my IrrAI library for implementing AI in your game ;)
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