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New Rotation Animator version 1.0

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:40 am
by warui
As i promised here's new rotation animator :)
binary release (for DevCpp) [414 kB]: ...
source release [33 kB]: ...

readme.txt will explain all:

"New Rotation Animator for The Irrlicht Engine 0.6 release"
version 1.0

Copyright (C) 2004 Tomasz "Warui" Nowakowski
Based on Nikolaus Gebhardt work
This files are NOT (yet i hope ;]) part of the official "Irrlicht Engine" release.

I. Instalation
Just unzip all the files into your irrlich directory repleacing old ones with new ones.
You should also apply vector normalization patch: ... php?t=2894

Note: binary release has this patch already applied along with some other fixes.

II. Using
The following function was added to ISceneManager:

virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createRotationAnimator(
const core::vector3df& startRotation,
const core::vector3df& endRotation,
u32 timeForTurn,
bool loop=false,
bool reverse=false
) [pure virtual]

Creates a rotation animator, which rotates the attached scene node around itself.

startRotation: Start rotation of the node.
endRotation: Desired end rotation of the node.
timeForTurn: Time in milli seconds how long the node should need to rotate from
the start rotation to the end rotation.
loop: If set to false, the node stops when the end rotation is reached.
If loop is true, the node continues to rotate with the same speed.
reverse: If set to true the node will rotate in opposite direction.

Returns the animator. Attach it to a scene node with ISceneNode::addAnimator()
and the animator will animate it. If you no longer need the animator, you should call
ISceneNodeAnimator::drop(). See IUnknown::drop() for more information.

Q: getRotation() returns strange angles until animator finishes its work
A: This is because reverse is set to true. If you planing to stop animator befor it finishes
its work, just don't use revers switch.

Q: Your patch does not work. I can't compile / run my programs with it.
A: One of the following happend:
a) This patch is for Irrlicht 0.6. If you are using other versions or 0.6 with patches
please read changes.txt to see what you need to change in your version to make it work.
b) Binary release is for DevCpp (MinGW). If you are using other compiler you migth need
to build your own dll.
c) Binary release was compiled with some additional bug fixes and patches (not included in
source release). Build your own binaries if they cause errors.

IV. History
28.06.2004 - version 1.0 released

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:52 pm
by Tyn
What would be REALLY useful is to change the point of rotation like the flycircle animator. Looks good though, I may use to add a rotate button for the camera.

Note to self: Check the API before making comment again :)

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 4:46 pm
by warui
I forget to mention this. You should add both new files (CSceneNodeAnimatorRotationNew.h and CSceneNodeAnimatorRotationNew.cpp) to the irrlicht engine project.

In DevCpp jus click right mouse button on "scene impl" folder in project view (left window, with class nad debug) and choose "add to project".

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:01 am
by afecelis
got it!

it works like a charm!

kudos warui, helluva job!

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:40 pm
by warui
Version 1.1 is avaiable here: ...

It's just a fix for VC7 compilation problems (thanks to Afecelis for help).

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:52 pm
by afecelis
np man! thanks to YOU for those improvements and your active participation in the community.

any chances your stuff gets merged into the mainstream?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:07 pm
by afecelis
warui, I'm posting the new build log. Although it's compiling ok in VC7 there are some warning messages about possible data loss. ... dLog11.htm


let me know if it helps and if you solved it out and came out with version 12, he he he he he


Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:15 pm
by warui
It's already fixed in 1.1 (i think ;), because i don't have vc7 at the moment).

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:23 am
by afecelis

The dll compiles ok only with the update file you first sent me. I mean, installing version 1.0 and then replacing only CSceneNodeAnimatorRotationNew.cpp

If you replace the whole thing with the zip in v1.1 you get errors and the dll doesn't compile in VC7. It compiles in VC6 with possible data loss warnings,

I'm posting the 2 new logs: ... is/vc6.htm ... is/vc7.htm

The errors in VC7 are the fmod ones, so I'm guessing you forgot to include the updated version of CSceneNodeAnimatorRotationNew.cpp

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 2:30 pm
by Peter Müller

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 4:03 pm
by warui
I know, cause i repleaced it with version 1.1 ...
But it still has some bugs which i'm currently working on with afacelis (thanks man once again).

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 5:41 pm
by jox
Seems that the server is down...

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 5:55 pm
by warui
Ups... you are right. I'll investigate it tommorow if nothing changes. It's my friends server so such problems might occure.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 7:48 pm
by Peter Müller
Sorry, didn't read the thread :oops:

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 3:17 am
by nitroman
cool! it might be useful for me. ;)