Not that I have empathy in me, that I feel I have to save you guys from a confusing thread :P but what I do feel is the curiocity regarding whatcha guys think regarding this.
So here's the quote - pls don't get offended whoever - that is not my intention. I use sometimes a harsh labguage to colorfully illustrate my point ^_^ and make it clear that I do CARE in the subject:
So? I don't know specifics of the engine - maybe good bump support is there, but irregardless - what's your opinion in general in the field?Hmm looking closer to that Vid example, it doesn't seem to be a bump-map, but at best the usage of a displacement map, which isnt rly much different than modeleing - and specifcially using shapes for what could be replaced by textures.
I'm sorry to say - and hope you won't take it the wrong way - considering the ages we're in - I would label MYSELF that irrlicht thing a Fail.
Bioshock, Crysis...I know they have 100mln budgets.
But what they Do present, is crispy engines of stuff like flawless bump-map usages.
Unless theres' some different goal?
Making a supper slim package, so it worx on a cellphone perhaps?
Doesn't seem so, but it might be an option.
There I guess it might be impressive in some way, but nowadays, on a pc? :/
Personal opinion note: Imho in specifically today's times (cos in the far, far, far future when RT raytracing comes into the picture)
, in this specific time - a good bump-map support and good usage of it via lighting - is crucial for the look of success!
I stumbled upon this someday randomly surfing:
Some ppl said nice, but not as good comparing to bioshocks and other suchs stuffs.
I disagree - I think it's impressive in the very least - for RT anyway.
It's imho the perfect example of why, good bump-maps make such a difference: surely the model of the charactter is simple as always must be.
There's no visible "crappy model saves" via using lotsa colors or something - its basically one color + lightning color maybe.
Neither does the bg somehow "save" something here.
The way i see it - all this is is - awesome bump-map support + good bump-map texture usage alone + basic reaction of lighting twards that bumpmap.
And I think THAT is specifically what can make you be noticed in these 3d-whore-consumer times ^_^
Thx n cheers!