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Major problems with rect<T>?

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:24 am
by wyrmmage
Perhaps I'm missing something really obvious here, (and it seems like something that would be immediately noticed), but it looks like rect<T> is broken for quite a few functions. For instance, try out this code:

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#include <iostream>
#include "irrlicht/irrlicht.h"

int main()
using namespace irr;
using namespace core;

rect<f32>* validRect = new rect<f32>(position2d<f32>(0, 0), dimension2d<f32>(2, 2)); //works
rect<f32>* invalidRect = new rect<f32>(position2d<f32>(-1, 1), position2d<f32>(1, -1)); //doesn't work
std::cout << "validRect: " << validRect->isValid() << "\n";
std::cout << "invalidRect: " << invalidRect->isValid() << "\n";

std::cout << "\n";

std::cout << "validWidth: " << validRect->getWidth() << ", validHeight: " << validRect->getHeight() << "\n";
std::cout << "invalidWidth: " << invalidRect->getWidth() << ", invalidHeight: " << invalidRect->getHeight() << "\n";

int tempInt;
std::cin >> tempInt;
return 1;
You'll notice that the rectangle named invalidRect returns 0 for invalidRect->isValid(); the rectangle is perfectly valid, however, since a rectangle constructed with the upperLeft coordinate at (-1, 1) and the lowerRight coordinate at (1, -1) looks like this:

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(-1, 1)----------(1, 1)
|                  |
|                  |
|                  |
(-1, -1)---------(1, -1)
This isn't a perfect square, I realize, but you get the point :P

The problem is in rect.h, where isValid() tests if LowerRightCorner.X >= UpperLeftCorner.X (which is fine), but it's also testing for LowerRightCorner.Y >= UpperLeftCorner.Y. Why would we test if the lower y coordinate is greater than the upper y coordinate? :\

This problem is also found in several other fuctions.

The reason that the rectangle

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rect<f32>* validRect = new rect<f32>(position2d<f32>(0, 0), dimension2d<f32>(2, 2));
is found to be valid is because in the constructor rect(const position2d<T>& pos, const dimension2d<T>& size), for the y coordinate it's adding the height and the y-coordinate of the position instead of subtracting it.

I'll provide a full patch later so that if this is truly a bug it can be fixed quickly :)

Thanks :)

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:33 am
by Ion Dune
That code looks right to me. The terms "UpperLeft" and "LowerRight" refer to the positions on the screen, with 0,0 being the upper left most pixel and 1280,1024 (for example) being the lower right most pixel.

The problem with your picture, it seems, is that you have positive y above negative y, and it is the opposite for irrlicht (IIRC).

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:54 am
by wyrmmage
hehe, after I started building the patch I realized what was happening, thanks XD

I was expecting the rectangle to behave like a normal rectangle, instead of a Windows rectangle.

It would be nice if the documentation said something about this. It already hints about it by saying

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Mostly used by 2D GUI elements and for 2D drawing methods. It has 2 positions instead of position and dimension and a fast method for collision detection with other rectangles and points.
, but a little more explanation would be nice :)

While this thread is open, I might as well point out that the function isValid():

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bool isValid() const
return ((LowerRightCorner.X >= UpperLeftCorner.X) && (UpperCorner.Y >= LowerRightCorner.Y));
does not do what its description says:

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Returns if the rect is valid to draw. It could be invalid if the UpperLeftCorner is lower or more right than the LowerRightCorner, or if any dimension is 0.
since it happily lets rectangles with a width and/or height of 0 through :)

The isValid() function could easily be re-written to use the getHeight() and getWidth() functions, like so:

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bool isValid() const
return (getWidth() > 0 && getHeight() > 0);
, which seems more....proper, to me :)


Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:49 am
by torleif
Yes, creating rectangles in irrlicht is very messy. I would like to see an overridden constructor/ set method:

rect<T> (position p1, position p2) // construct a rect the traditional way
rect<T> (position p1, dimension d1) // would construct a rect at p1, with width/ height of d1

Implementing it would be very easy, and it would solve a lot of headaches

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 5:49 pm
by Ion Dune
torleif wrote: rect<T> (position p1, dimension d1) // would construct a rect at p1, with width/ height of d1
You mean like this?