UPDATE: V 1.4 Uploaded to github and fixed the TexVar issue.
It's finally time for a new release of XEffects.
New features and API changes include:
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Important API changes:
- effectHandler is now called EffectHandler.
- EffectHandler constructor does NOT take shadow map resolution anymore, this can now be set per-light, and is changeable at runtime.
- You can now just include "XEffects.h" in your projects, not "EffectHandler.h" or anything.
- Other minor changes. (Ask me if you run into problems with the new API)
New features.
- Smooth Round Spot Light cones. You can pass a boolean parameter to the EffectHandler constructor to specify whether you want round smooth edges on the shadow lights or basic square hard edges. See Example1 for usage.
- Improved Bloom shader, bloom shader now requires 4 passes, an additional Brightness Pass is taken to enhance the bright colors. See Example1 for usage.
- SSAO Effect. Heavy duty ambient occlusion done in world space, in DirectX and OpenGL. See Example3 for usage.
- Multiple shadow maps and shadow map caching. Now you can create multiple shadow lights with multiple shadow map resolutions. If the shadow lights share the same square shadow map resolution then the same shadow map is used, saving video memory. At runtime you have the ability to delete and free the resources of all shadow maps in use, then they will be recreated automatically by XEffects when they are needed again.
Here is a screenshot showing 3 stages of the new SSAO effect. Top is no SSAO, Middle is SSAO with full noise, and Bottom is SSAO with full noise after a blur pass (In Example3):
You can see that the main parts touching between the spheres are darker.
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Example3 SSAO Demo controls: 'S' Enables/Disables SSAO, 'B' Enables/Disables blurring, 'P' Enables/Disables pure SSAO output.
Older info/screenshots:
A whole new wave of terror shall sweep the Irrlicht graphics world... (Dum dum dum)
Whether you like it hard...
Or soft...
Dunununununu... (Que action music)...
Multiple infinite additive lights...
And a twist that will shock everyone...
Coming to scene-namas near you! XEffects RELOADED.
(Actually viewing now, download link below.)
GitHub Page (Includes source code and downloads):
Edit: Thanks Nadro for the new download link, I destroyed my old VPS and forgot this was still hosted on there