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Project Ninja Star - help wanted - ported to windows on 26th

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:29 pm
by devsh



Game Design Document = ... design.pdf

MileStones = ... MileStones

Say hello to john


Code name: Ninja Star


basically a bunch of 15 year olds who aren't computer geeks!

-Me; python adept (never got past section 5 of the tutorial, but I made some innovative scripts), preacher of the free software idea, I have a bare idea about C (I can understand other people's code and what it does, but not modificate it however i'm ok with writing my own code as long as not to complex) but never learned it properly (might have to do a couple of tutorials), linux preacher trying to convert people, familiar with GTK and a total n00b to OpenGL or HLSL, but I know how textures work and models and stuff) Able Artist who is deep into recreating reality in sculpture (wood) and photorealism. I think my works look quite life like so I will be trying to do the same with my game (this level of real life likeness would be an achievement).
I have tried to mod the DarkPlaces engine that nexuiz uses to enable split-screen, but my enthusiasm wore away quickly because I wouldn't understand the networking code and I was unable to identify the files I needed to change. The makefiles made no sense to me and the engine didnt compile properly.
P.S. I dont see much difference between C and C++
P.S.S. I find it difficult to script using a language or library (OpenGL) when I can't understand (or make my brain work like an interpreter) the code and run through it in my head. All my python scripts I was able to carry out in my head (although I wouldn't test 23297 to check if it's prime).

-Josh; python beginner (im about to test him, to find out whether he thinks like a programmer and if he can make a script that checks a number if its prime without using the square rooting method), learning C++, has same idea about textures and the way that graphics work as me. He is very good at learning about computing because unlike Tom he understands and uses the knowledge I pass onto him. He can learn independently.

-Tom; tried to learn C & QuakeC (he is not creative at all, he would be able to make any game logic at all). Cannot learn independently at all, asks me for help all the time!!! HE CANT EVEN SET UP HIS WIRELESS ON UBUNTU. However he will make our models, textures and levels. If we will not be satisfied with his work (too low resolution, to much tessellation of textures in maps, too crap character models) we will abuse him and give him a beating.

-Ryan; much more computer educated than Tom and maybe same level as Josh. I could bet £100 that he would learn C++ with ease. But he is our modeler and level/texture maker. This is because Tom is a N00B and we would trust him to be left with the graphical side of the game ALONE. I am considering to ask him to help us with some graphic effects and some scripting linked directly to graphics.

-We are appointing any n00b to be our sound director. The job just basically includes searching sounds for the game (birds singing, bears roaring, explosions, AK-47, machine guns, sword sounds). This almost doesn't require any computer knowledge, only a large amount of time.

-SOMEONE WHO COULD HELP ME TO MAKE THE NETWORKING CODE (either really early stage of the project or just the end)

If you think we cant make it, you are wrong because Nexuiz is developed by only 3 people now*


Basically its about a ninja who fights gangs (maybe something else, like the ninja being a secret agent) in the modern world around China, Japan, USA and Europe (with some fantasy elements like “force powers” like FlyPunch). I personally wanted to make a Star Wars game but my friend didn't like it, he wanted to make summink like CoD but I opposed saying “there is more than enough of that war sh**” and added that I would really like to make a game that you can duel in. Immediate response was a medieval game...
But that didn't work out either cause we didn't really like the idea. Then next thought, “what else has swords but not medieval?”
then we went onto the topic of dodging bullets, because on Star Wars you can deflect them. Well we agreed to introduce a little bit of matrix and parkour.
Not much detail as of yet, but it's sure to come along after we have a demo. We think more along the lines of “the story is not the technically advanced bit, which could potentially stop the project. Unlike the lack of experience in C++.” so if we get the whole technical side working like HUD, GUI, menus, blur effect, depth of field, fur shaders, hair, working the skeleton mesh thingie to create combos for samurai sword fighting, joystick support and networking code*.

*not necessary

Sound features

Obviously we would like to step into some more advanced sound effects than just playing the sound. We would like some 3d sound effects such as echoes and the most known real life thing, this happens when a car is going past you. When the car is approaching it seems to make a different sound as it is getting closer. This cannot be made by just playing a file, it has to “rendered” (I dunno if its the right word to use) because otherwise the car approaching would go past you and disappear behind your back and the sound effect would still be playing the effect of the car APPROACHING. Because the time that it would take the car to approach would vary depending on speed and on the record of the sound the length of the sound would stay the same. I hope you understand my idea.


After seeing many of the awesome things on demos, I would like to incorporate almost all of these kickass effects (some of you might find my language offensive but there is no other way of putting it across) into the game. Depth of Field would be used at all times in the first person view. There will be a Third person view too, but it will not be using DoP because DoP is supposed to enhance the feeling of looking through the characters eyes and third person perspective doesn't give you that feel anyway so why waste processing power (there will be an option in the game menu to use DoP in third person if someone wants to waste their power). Hardware RayTracing is something I would like to do, but im not sure if its doable under OpenGL(because the demo was done in DX). This effect could bring a nvidia 8800 to its knees. However if the engine can use OpenGL API and Pixel and Vertex Shaders version 3.0 then I think it's doable but not that easily. OpenGL vs. DX has been argued over a lot and I must say i'm on the OpenGL side. I THINK OpenGL is capable of doing that but i'm not sure.
I would like to have a sun moving across the sky and acting like a lightsource and weather effects which behave just like real life. Sometimes when the sky goes grey its because the clouds are evenly spread out and form a coat so only little sunlight can get through. For this we would have an upside down fog.
I would like to use a lot of variables that some would call unnecessary like temperature (so if your character aint properly clothed, it dies of hypothermia) or humidity (if treat a pond with a flame thrower for 15 minutes and 100litres of fuel, you will create fog).
I'm a great fan of reflective water and refractive glass. So I will try include these in the game. My great dream is glass that breaks nicely.
We are yet to decide on the physics engine (probably newton). It has to be easy to incorporate physics for cars. Other vehicles, animals, people and objects.
Motion blur we will use a lot for dodging bullets.

This truly sucks because of the shaders, which we will have to get hold of. The shaders used in those awesome demos I have seen are HLSL (directX shaders) and we are making an OpenGL game. So we need shaders in GLSlang. This means we will either have to look for shaders (internet & tons of searching) or make them ourselves. I suppose it will take a long time to even write one, and for someone like me who is not even Intermediate in C++, it will be impossible. I get confused with OpenGL calls and rendertargets make no sense to me. Even if we do find shaders from the internet or borrow some from external projects (nexuiz, they have a nice license) they might not be compatible with our game. That means they would have to get recompiled or even worse rewritten.


Brainstorming on it. But we have an idea to use ESDF instead of WASD to move. This is because AW34RG can be use for sword combos and ZXCV for acrobatics (and countless combinations between those two). Of course we will try to enable players to set their own key bindings. I have a couple of good ideas about wallrunning. As you come onto the wall (suspecting your left is towards the wall), in this case S will drive you up the wall and F down. You will only be able to run forward, but if you press D it will make you do a 180 turn on the wall and start running the other way. If you're on the wall for too long or your speed drops (in other words stop running) you fall off. At the moment you hit the wall, your User Interface will disappear and a ball and a curve will appear. You will have to balance the ball in order not to fall off. Also the up and down movement of the mouse will control lean forward/backward which will control the direction of the jump you make off the wall if you press space (if you're leaning really back and jump you will make a backflip off the wall). I also want to make that if you lean back and loose your balance, then fail your backflip and land or your head/neck YOU DIE! We want to make a character that will accompany you throughout the game (another player can take control of it). This is to enable drop-in--drop-out CO-OP. But getting the AI “friend” which will follow you, will not only require AI, but a module for path finding (most likely the AI enemies will too) which irrlicht does not have, and modding the engine is something I would like to stay away from (unless I had someone on my team to do it, or at least help me to get a clue about it).

P.S. Please correct me because I don't know a lot about PROPER game making and the irrlicht engine. Just please don't drag me down.
P.S.S. I know the project might die and is likely to die (maybe even certain), but i think if we could produce a demo, showing all the features like graphics and gameplay. I would be goddamn proud of our team.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:50 pm
by geckoman
P.S.S. I know the project might die and is likely to die (maybe even certain), but i think if we could produce a demo, showing all the features like graphics and gameplay. I would be goddamn proud of our team.
Hmm thats not motivating anyone I think...but who knows?
Good luck!

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:05 pm
by rogerborg
It's admirably honest. Also: spunky.

Seen irrAI?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:11 pm
by dlangdev
Can you write more, you sound like a real teenager.

I like it.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:27 am
by Dark_Kilauea
Can I be the dev that gets to be on the credits but doesn't do anything besides brag about how much work I could be doing for the project? ;)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:23 am
by sudi

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:21 am
by rogerborg
As I said, I like this announcement. It's got fidelity. Reminds me of classic JeffK

reply to all

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:20 pm
by devsh
well first of all i would like to address rogerborg:
It's admirably honest. Also: spunky.

Seen irrAI?
What do you mean by spunky?
And yes i have seen irrAI but havent read a lot about it.

a question to dlangdev:
Can you write more, you sound like a real teenager.

I like it.
You like the idea, or my writing style?

Dark_Kilauea, yes you can be in the credits. However it will be in this style (assuming ur a he)

Dark_Kilauea The Person Who Brags About How Much Work He Can Do 4 The Project, But Does Nothing

Sudi, did i break the announcement thingie posting rules?

rogerborg i dont get your reply at all

P.S. I'm trying to look on the internet for some GLSL shaders that my team could use.
P.S.S. We fired Tom (too much of a n00b), however we got Blake.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:42 pm
by sudi
Yeah rogerborg thats it...

yeah kinda but bc ur announcment is so great it doesn't matter that there is nothing done yet. So don't worry if a great team like urs is working on project it simply must be completed. The fact that u kicked out a team shows how well u choose ur members.

It is PPS and not PSS

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:55 pm
by rogerborg
Let's all play nice, please.

devsh, I would suggest that you consider actually using Nexuiz, extending and modifying it as necessary.

I'm not saying that you can't write your own engine, just that you don't need to. Remember, Nexuiz is essentially a derivative of the Quake engine: they didn't sit down and decide to write their own engine from scratch, and you don't have to do it either.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:07 pm
by Dorth
Posting in legendary thread before mods get here... oh wait, they already are ^^

Well, let's include this post the ninja way

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:12 pm
by sio2

After seeing many of the awesome things on demos, I would like to incorporate almost all of these kickass effects (some of you might find my language offensive but there is no other way of putting it across) into the game. Depth of Field would be used at all times in the first person view. There will be a Third person view too, but it will not be using DoP because DoP is supposed to enhance the feeling of looking through the characters eyes and third person perspective doesn't give you that feel anyway so why waste processing power (there will be an option in the game menu to use DoP in third person if someone wants to waste their power). Hardware RayTracing is something I would like to do, but im not sure if its doable under OpenGL(because the demo was done in DX). This effect could bring a nvidia 8800 to its knees. However if the engine can use OpenGL API and Pixel and Vertex Shaders version 3.0 then I think it's doable but not that easily. OpenGL vs. DX has been argued over a lot and I must say i'm on the OpenGL side. I THINK OpenGL is capable of doing that but i'm not sure.
I would like to have a sun moving across the sky and acting like a lightsource and weather effects which behave just like real life. Sometimes when the sky goes grey its because the clouds are evenly spread out and form a coat so only little sunlight can get through. For this we would have an upside down fog.
I would like to use a lot of variables that some would call unnecessary like temperature (so if your character aint properly clothed, it dies of hypothermia) or humidity (if treat a pond with a flame thrower for 15 minutes and 100litres of fuel, you will create fog).
I'm a great fan of reflective water and refractive glass. So I will try include these in the game. My great dream is glass that breaks nicely.
We are yet to decide on the physics engine (probably newton). It has to be easy to incorporate physics for cars. Other vehicles, animals, people and objects.
Motion blur we will use a lot for dodging bullets.
I thinks someone's been looking at my website. An almost complete list of my graphic demos. 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:38 pm
by Halan
haha i found the thing about the windows-noobs so funny even though im using Linux too. You rock man :D

EDIT: oh my god i didn't even read into it compeltely
-Tom; tried to learn C & QuakeC (he is not creative at all, he would be able to make any game logic at all). Cannot learn independently at all, asks me for help all the time!!! HE CANT EVEN SET UP HIS WIRELESS ON UBUNTU. However he will make our models, textures and levels. If we will not be satisfied with his work (too low resolution, to much tessellation of textures in maps, too crap character models) we will abuse him and give him a beating.
But that didn't work out either cause we didn't really like the idea. Then next thought, “what else has swords but not medieval?”
from a historic standpoint. Ninjas existed during the times of the Samurai. You can compare it to the Medival Ages in europe... ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:29 pm
by psychophoniac
sorry, but you sound to me like someone, who wants to code a second crisis but has just learned how to setup a "Hello World" program (witouht irrlicht, of course).

and those lines about "Tom" and the Windows-N00bs (of wich some created the shaders you're looking for ;) ) finally lets everybody stay away from this.

and yes, you broke the rules.

and finally:
what do you expect from this, people joining the team like you're giving away the Half-Life engine for free?
P.S.S. I know the project might die and is likely to die (maybe even certain), but i think if we could produce a demo, showing all the features like graphics and gameplay. I would be goddamn proud of our team.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:09 pm
by rogerborg
That's the bit that I actually like. The goals are fantasy, but the outcome is at least realistic. What matters is what the team learns from their failure.