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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:43 pm
by sio2
JP wrote:Right well i guess this shits all over IrrPhysx as done by me doesn't it? Gonna be a bit confusing if i release a 0.3 right? Would have been nice if you'd whispered a word in my ear before doing this...
I announced I'd got hardware fluid done and was going to make a release. You replied to my post saying you were looking forward to seeing what I'd done. If I'd have named it other than IrrPhysx there would have been uproar (correction - more uproar). And releasing it as 0.2 would have resulted in confusion. I made the mistake of interpreting your casual reply, and your statement that it would be around a month before you did any more work on IrrPhysx, that I could help out in the interim with source releases.

Note that I've given you the copyright to my additions in the License section of the readme.txt.

I thought I'd done everything correctly, but it now appears I was wrong. I won't be making any more source releases or posts regarding IrrPhysx. I'll be continuing to use the library for private purposes as I already have a base implementation of character control, ragdoll and vehicle additions.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:49 pm
by Ion Dune
Perhaps a IrrPhysx 0.25 release would have been better :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:56 pm
by Seven
it seems to me that it was all a simple misunderstanding, which we have had many of before this :) As an end user, I sincerely hope that no permanent damage has been done here, as we can all use all of the help that we can get, and having two experts working together will do nothing but create what everyone desires, which is a fantastic library called IrrPhysx.

Misunderstandings happen all of the time guys. Dont let this one spoil a good thing.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:02 am
by BlindSide
It sounds like JP was having a bad day. He's usually friendlier than this.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:35 am
by Halifax
Well I can understand what JP meant. When I came back, and looked at the topic of IrrPhysX 0.3, then seen sio2's name next to it, I said, "huh?"

At any rate, I a more appropriate topic name might have been: "Fluid Water Particles - IrrPhysX 0.2 Mod" or something of that sort.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:46 am
by roelor
My ati videocart really hates the fluids I guess fps while fluids = 2 but when the game starts it is at 200 with fluids and rapidly decreases..
Ati radeon saffire 2600 pro agp 512+
As soon as the fluids are gone fps goes up to 470.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:45 pm
by DtD
My ati videocart really hates the fluids I guess fps while fluids = 2...
It's because ATI cards don't get the PhysX acceleration required to do stuff like fluids.

I found this on accident today: ... index.html
It's not physics engine, but it talks about running code on ATI GPUs when they are idle...


Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:09 pm
by JP
Basically i was extremely shocked when i saw the post and obviously pissed off that my project had been seemingly taken off my hands. I guess i can see how you might have taken my posts as meaning i was completely happy with you doing this but i guess i misunderstood you too. I thought you were just going to do some investigations and hopefully get an implementation working and then offer it to me for a future release.

I'm really glad that you've managed to get this working and hopefully it will be useful but i certainly would have rathered you'd sent the code to me first so that i could look it over and approve of the interface etc before releasing it.

I did say that help would be appreciated so thanks for putting the work in and let's just take this as a lesson learned on how people should collaborate in future!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:18 am
by lab_zj
excellent work!
I have use it in my project, and performance is very well.

currently, I have a question about code in GameExample.cpp:
Line 139: cameraPair->CameraOffset = core::vector3df(0,15,0);

what means about "CameraOffset"? it is relative to the center of sphere?
I can't understand it.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:28 am
by JP
If I remember correctly the camera offset is where you want the camera to be positioned in relation to the centre of the sphere... So that makes the camera 15 units above the sphere's centre. I'm fairly sure that's right :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:39 am
by lab_zj
thank you very much.

when I set the radius of sphere to 2.0 and CameraOffset to (0,0,0), means that camera located in the center of sphere, and always 2.0 above ground? But when I does so, the camera seems cling to the ground.

I set radius to 2.0, because the height of man about two meters, and the unit of world also meter.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:25 am
by JP
Strange.. Maybe try making the camera offset 2 and see if that works? Or just fiddle around generally with the values until it appears to be the correct height.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:41 am
by lab_zj
yes, when set cameraoffset to (0,2.0f,0), then seems ok.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:38 am
by JP
good to know!

bit of info for everyone waiting for character controllers, seems like i've managed to get them working pretty well, just gotta do some tidying up on the implementation then i may well release a new version with this in.

that's basically my plan from now is to release a new version as soon as there's a new feature, rather than waiting for a few features to pile up before releasing as i did before. If i did that still then it'd be years before the next release came out! lol

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:32 pm
by zillion42
yes please,
yes please,
yes please....
really looking forward to a working character controller for physx... Is it going to be a capsule ? Can we climb stairs ?