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Improving rendering quality of Irrlicht

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:50 pm
by maroxe
i am workig on my first project usig irrlicht. Bue the rendering quality is really low comparing to the result i get with other engines such as Ogre3D.
How can i improve the quality of my project's graphics?
PS: this is a screen of my project:


Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:12 pm
by vermeer
there are many probs there in art side...if is prototype test only ok...

ie, scaling of tetxures, seams between them -not seamless- to much photo untouched, seems car tires untetxured, etc...

If is only testing, I'd say, maybe antialiasing, shadows, (both lightmap and dinamic)and some blur removed from textures if it actually happens, and then, not much difference with otehr engine , in what is not aditional features, not rendering quality (you can add effects , but imo is not then bad rendering matter...)

I'm used to put the most of what a rendering output only with artowrk and art tricks (fake lightmaps, fake everything, use very low poly, even textures of 64x64) for mobile 3d games... In my experience, a not nice shot is usually very big fault of the artsits.... (unless some clear bug)

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:42 pm
by maroxe
i am new to all this graphics technics and stuffs,. So if u can just tell me how to do that exactly, it will be great.
For example, how to perform:
  • antialiasing
    lightmap, dynamic light

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:48 pm
by bitplane
What is your target hardware? This will determine the techniques you can use. You mentioned PSP in another thread, which will not do shadow maps or antialiasing.

How did you make your terrain? The texture map is awful. The model is not lit and has holes in it. It is probably also too high poly for PSP.

Also show a screenshot from Ogre, so we can advise which options/materials to use to get the same result.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:00 pm
by maroxe
bitplane wrote:What is your target hardware? This will determine the techniques you can use. You mentioned PSP in another thread, which will not do shadow maps or antialiasing.

How did you make your terrain? The texture map is awful. The model is not lit and has holes in it. It is probably also too high poly for PSP.

Also show a screenshot from Ogre, so we can advise which options/materials to use to get the same result.
PSP is not my current target.
i picked the terrain from a tutorial on the net, and the textures were chosen randomly, because i am not very experimented in 3D modeling.
the game that i am programming should work in standart machines. But the probleme is thhat my current machine is too old( Petium 4, 1Go Ram, Ati radeon 2950 pro 128mo :( ), so ican't test shaders and other advanced stuff.
is it possible to get graphics like Image ?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:09 pm
by Katsankat

1) Smaller wheels, with a real texture just to see how the wheel is behaving. Was it done with a physics engine?
2) Then the car. At least the texture, and shinyness.
3) The road. Do you plan to travel a whole imaginary world with paged terrain or need a simple scene? If scene i can help creating it as a model or bsp but i'd have to know before the start!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:11 pm
by maroxe
1- no, it's an independant 3d model.
3- I need a simple scene, a race track.
I'll be thankfull for your help ;)

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:14 pm
by Katsankat
From the image you posted while I was replying, the map can be handled without problem by Irrlicht.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:16 pm
by maroxe
but this map isn't mine

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:17 pm
by bitplane
maroxe wrote:is it possible to get graphics like Image ?
Looks like phong shading plus lightmaps with full screen antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and very nice textures. The question isn't whether Irrlicht can do that quality, it's whether you can make art of that quality.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:20 pm
by skumar
All engines from small one to big ones (crytek ) uses the same directx or opengl base. DX and OGL has some readymade modes for normal rendering (fixed pipeline) which give some normal results. If you want amazing and extraordinary results you should use shaders.

But what these engines really do is work on the meshes or levels we give. So if you want your renderings to be good you should have a good level for the engine to render.

Since you are new to this try getting some basic books on 3d graphics content creation using 3d editors like 3dsmax, blender etc. Then improve slowly.....

Your rendering has many problems....the texture mapping of grass on the terrain is not correct. No lighting....without lighting the scenes will be dead flat :( .

Its not very hard...start learning ...from this new year....all success to you...................

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:09 am
by BlindSide
maroxe wrote:
bitplane wrote:What is your target hardware? This will determine the techniques you can use. You mentioned PSP in another thread, which will not do shadow maps or antialiasing.

How did you make your terrain? The texture map is awful. The model is not lit and has holes in it. It is probably also too high poly for PSP.

Also show a screenshot from Ogre, so we can advise which options/materials to use to get the same result.
PSP is not my current target.
i picked the terrain from a tutorial on the net, and the textures were chosen randomly, because i am not very experimented in 3D modeling.
the game that i am programming should work in standart machines. But the probleme is thhat my current machine is too old( Petium 4, 1Go Ram, Ati radeon 2950 pro 128mo :( ), so ican't test shaders and other advanced stuff.
is it possible to get graphics like Image ?
Your graphics card (I think you meant to say 9250, NOT 2950), can not run that game anyway.

Although it is possible to do some simple PS 1.4 shaders with that card (In Direct3D), I recommend upgrading if you want a better shot at nice graphics.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:41 am
by Halifax
Yeah, if your referring to ZeroGear, then Irrlicht has most of the stuff that was used in that game.

A little insight was provided by bitplane, and he is right about the phong shading, that is a per-pixel shader written by them. The shadows are actually done with Parallel Split Shadow Maps(PSSM). (That's the one thing Irrlicht can't do out of the box, but you can get shadow mapping done with XEffects.) The wheels are put through an instancing shader as well. All the models are textured very beautifully with Ambient Occlusion (AO) baked into the textures.

So yes, Irrlicht can most certainly handle that. Also the GUI is a very custom implementation by the team.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:05 pm
by maroxe
ok thansk a lot for your advice
I'll think about niv rendering when i'll get a new graphic card
Anyway, i succeded to have a decent graphic in my game:

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:20 pm
by night_hawk
You can do a lot better than that even without shaders. Add lightmaps or normal mapping.