The Engine Can Play Movie files or need another tool?

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The Engine Can Play Movie files or need another tool?

Post by 3dMagic3d »

I'm new on all of this so I have a question about if the engine can suport movies like intros or betwen cut scenes, I really apreciate the help about this
:) , beacause I'm very interested in make a game with a movie introduction, you know like pro, anyway if anyone can help me I will be very interested in make a great game with this engine, thanks for your attention.
Arturo S.R. 3d Modelador
Posts: 214
Joined: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:36 pm

Post by loki1985 »

currently there is no builtin support for videos, but from my experience i can say that decoding video into textures is not very hard, e.g. libtheora can be used.
apart from that, search the code snippets forum, there have been some posts with classes which enable video playback
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu May 25, 2006 7:12 am

Post by luigi »

movies usually have what we call an container and the container points to the data being requested. The data could be anything from sound to graphical images to chapter index
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