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How to create md2 models and quake3 maps?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:02 am
by fredde656
Hi everybody! I wonder if you could help me getting started with creating my own md2 models and quake3 maps using freeware tools for Windows? Could it be done in Blender for example? Any links to tutorials in this area would be highly appreciated. I know Blender could export to md2 format but I guess a md2model consist of several animations? Is there a tutorial for doing this? Just a simple thing with a cube or something?

Also a tutorial about the pk3 format for quake3 maps? I seems to be zipped file, but how do I make the files within the archive? Why doesn't all Quake3 maps work when I download them and try them in irrlicht Quake3Map tutorial example? I do change the name of the pk3 and bsp filename...

Hopeful for replies... :D

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:04 am
by JP
Do you need to use those formats?

MD2 is pretty poor, it's an old format which was optimised heavily for use on older machines and as such you can't have more than around 800 polys per model or the animation gives you sort of rippling effects across the polys.

Quake 3 maps can be built using various tools I believe, if you google it you should find some, GtkRadiant or something like that.. But again it may not be entirely necessary to use that format, not sure how easy it is to use...

Which formats are better?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:36 am
by fredde656
Those are the formats that are used in the irrlicht tutorials but if other formats are better I'm interested in finding software and tutorials about how to do a map and a animated game model in more modern formats than md2 and quake3 maps. What are those formats called?

Also perhaps the irrlicht tutorials should be updated so they don't use md2 and quake3 maps but more modern file formats. It would make it easier for people to find software tools to make their own models.

Hopeful for replies... :D

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:54 am
by JP
Irrlicht supports quite a few formats, check the feature list on the irrlicht webpage for a complete list.

The general consensus seems to be that B3D is the best format for animated models and for static models it may depend on what you need...

Personally I find Milkshape to be an excellent modelling package, especially for beginners. At least for static models anyway... the animation support doesn't seem so good. It's a very cheap product, something like $25 I think.

But Blender seems to be a better option maybe as it has much more features and is entirely free! It's much harder to use in my opinion though... But that's the price you pay for features I guess!

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:48 am
by Mel
For animated models use .X or .B3D formats. Those are fairly nice. And much more flexible than MD2. Blender is your choice here. though i don't know if it has support for B3D.

For quake levels, i like "QuArK" better, it is simpler in the modelling task than radiant and QuArK has support for a long list of games based in BSP's, besides Quake, though you'll need radiant too. GTKRadiant has the tool to compile the maps which Irrlicht uses.

What i wonder now is that if you compile a map for quake, is it possible to access the lightmaps to create shaders that go beyond the posibilities of the Quake III engine, but that can take into account the lightmaps?

Re: How to create md2 models and quake3 maps?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:11 am
by Katsankat
fredde656 wrote:Hi everybody! ...

Also a tutorial about the pk3 format for quake3 maps? I seems to be zipped file, but how do I make the files within the archive? Why doesn't all Quake3 maps work when I download them and try them in irrlicht Quake3Map tutorial example? I do change the name of the pk3 and bsp filename...

Maps won't load because the code wants to load nemesis.bsp, does this file exist in the pk3? You can download any quake3 map and load it, the result is surprising sometimes ... It is ok for small maps and particulary indoor scenes.

Just before, check the "Tut on Quake3 maps" (explains how to create a q3 map and load it in Irrlicht) and the tools list, here

Mel you could access lightmaps : they are stored inside the bsp. Actually anything is possible, as the code is there.

Modeling is another story. B3D and X are popular formats good for animated models in Irrlicht.

There are plenty of tools to create the mesh, texture it, rigging, animations, and render in realtime.