I've been reading the forums for a while now, and started to work with Irrlicht some days ago. I used to program on OpenGL, and my primary problem at the moment is how to translate stuff I know in OpenGL to Irrlicht.
So this would be my first question, and any help would be appreciated (and hello new community, whee ).
Basically, what I'm trying to do is to switch lighting off. Up to now, I'm doing this one object at a time, by killing the lighting on each material by hand. What I would like to do, is to globally tell Irrlicht to simply don't ever use lightning at all.
I searched the forum, and found the function
Code: Select all
Now, this sounds exactly like what I want, but now I'm wondering what happens beneath.. say for example, that there are a number of scene nodes, each with it's own material:All 3d drawing functions will draw geometry using this material thereafter.
- Are those all ignored when the driver function overrides them..?
- And if so, how can I reset this, and use the scene node specific materials again?
- And finally: it it either the driver-material or the node's own materials? Meaning, I'd like to switch off lightning in the driver material (and thus disable lightning for the whole scene) but still use the color information (ie. the textures) of each individual scene node .. but it seems to me like it wouldn't work that way..?