The two new features are Alpha to Coverage and per-Object Multisampling. The SMaterial element AntiAlias became an enumeration in trunk, holding the following values:
Code: Select all
//! Use to turn off anti-aliasing for this material
//! Default anti-aliasing mode
//! High-quality anti-aliasing, not always supported, automatically enables S
IMPLE mode
//! Line smoothing
//! point smoothing, often in software and slow, only with OpenGL
//! All typical anti-alias and smooth modes
//! Enhanced anti-aliasing for transparent materials
/** Usually used with EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_REF and multisampling. */
The most important things are to test whether one can switch on and off multisampling on distinct nodes of a scene (by toggling bit 1, best is to keep all others off).
The other interesting point is which system can use Alpha to Coverage. This should be tested with TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF materials. I have an example application with a fence mesh, but I have to check the copyrights on the meshes before I can publish them. So if someone else has a nice fence mesh (that's best to test with), or jsut test it otherwise... Some hints on the D3D implementation of this extension are also appreciated.