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transparent Material (b3d brush)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:01 pm
by Murphz
Hey all,

I have a small question regarding transparency.

I have originally used the pipeline of creating a photoshop image
using a greyscaled image in an added alpha channel and using the "save for web and other devices" in photshop and exported it as a png (24bit) saved with transparency flagged.

From here I have added this png to the blizt3d brush in 3dsmax and lowered the alpha to 0.

This is fine and well but when exporting the png it seems to be losing alot of information in this process and you can end up with unwanted blocks of white around the image in 3dsmax and irredit.

I'm assuming that this is because of the png format. would tga's be more use to me because of thier "lossless" informaton.. what would the pipeline be for this process or is there another way of achieving a Transparent texture.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:11 pm
by Katsankat
Saving as png 24 bits will save 3 channels (3*8 bits). You want 4 channels.
Alternative: use makeColorKeyTexture().