[help]Exporting models with Blender

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[help]Exporting models with Blender

Post by mc08 »

Hi! I am part of a project in school with my friend, using irrlicht to make a game. I'm the modeller guy in the project and I use Blender. I can successfully export my models to .b3d using gandaldf's exporter but i do not understand how to use more UV-layouts than just 1. (I know it's capped to 2 with b3d)

I want to use for example one for lightmap and one for texture. I do not understand how i apply more materials to loaded object in irrlicht and i don' understand how i can load models in irrlicht with more textures than one. Could someone please explain to me how i select the right uv-layout and apply the texture i want to use to this layer?

Related to this problem is that i do not understand how i can use stencils in terrains i export with for example 1 main texture of grass with some rocks covering mountains in the terrain. How do i use stencils in irredit?
And btw, I have searched myself but i cannot find the answers. Every guide just explains how to use the stencils in blender but doesn't explain how i export and use them outside blender.

Sorry for this block of questings, please bear(incorrect spelling?) with me :(

Thanks in advance.

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Post by xray »

Maybe the gandalf exporter is not capable of exporting more than one texture coordinate set ? Ask there if it is possible, if not you have the possibility to modify the python export script from gandalf to your needs.
and i don' understand how i can load models in irrlicht with more textures than one
Well if the second texture is the lightmap than you dont have to care about it, because the b3d loader will do it for you.
To your stencil problem, I cant imagine that there would be a 3d format which is capable of storing stencil information. The other "problem" is that stencil is called splatting here. Search the forum for terrain splatting and you will find how it works.
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Post by mc08 »

Gandaldf can export 2 UV coordinate sets. I dont know how i can control which textures applies to which uv coord set, though.

What do you mean I don't have to care about second texture if it is a lightmap? How does it know if it is for example a lightmap or a detainmap or whatever? Do I have to name the UV coord sets or the textures themselves to something special to control this?

As I mentioned I use irredit as world edit. Inside irrEdit, I cant find the option to chose which uv coord set to use for the textures I want to apply to a modell. I can't even find a way to add another material to a object or delete a existing one once I have loaded the modell.

I will take a good look at terrain splattering now. Thank you a lot, I think this is exactly what I was looking for regarding my terrain "problem". It's hard for me to know all these terms as I am new to modelling and english is not my native language.

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Post by xray »

Why not ask Gandaldf how it works with the second UV coordinate set ?

By the way, gile[s] from frecle is free now and alot more profesional then irredit www.frecle.net. And some weeks ago I created a gile[s] exporter for blender which exports also two uv coordinate sets:

http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... highlight=

...would be a possibility too!

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Post by mc08 »

thank you for your help :)

I downloaded gile[s] and I will check it out. Is there any tutorials for it you recommend?

I tried seaching the forum for terrain splattering, but I could actually not find much about it. just random threads mentioning it. :/
Will try search again, probably just me too noob to use the search engine :P

thx, mc08
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Post by xray »

Unfortunately there isnt any tutorial for giles... you have to learn it by your own!

Here is a thread about opengl terrain splatting:

http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... hp?t=32320
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Post by mc08 »

Oh lord, that programming implementation of terrain splattering in a program is way too complicated for me ^^
I'm merely a colorblind 3d-modeller hehe

Isn't there any more simple option to programming terrain splatting in the application you want to use it in? I thought terrain splattering more or less just was a method to use "stencils" in models, not a whole science O.O

anyway thanks a lot for your help. i'm very thankful that you took your time and helped me :)

thx, mc08
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Post by xray »

Code: Select all

Isn't there any more simple option to programming terrain splatting in the application you want to use it in? I thought terrain splattering more or less just was a method to use "stencils" in models, not a whole science O.O 
Well thats a point of view, I dont think it isnt difficult. But if you are using tiled textures for your terrain then there is the only way to use a shader to implement splatting. But you could create one texture in a 2d app if the textures arent tiled...

By the way, you said that you are the 3d modeller of your school project, so for your programmers it should be doable!
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Post by oldskoolPunk »

That particular .b3d exporter exports both textures, both uv sets, and irrlicht loads them automatically.
So you either need to apply both textures correctly in your code, or just dont do anything because seriously it just does it itself.

I wrote some code a couple of years ago that does the other thing. Also they explain other ways.

http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... highlight=
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