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Portal Rendering - How far is Irrlicht?

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:00 pm
by L o

I have heard of a project which lets Irrlicht use portal rendering:
The project was said to be unfinished in Nov 2003. How far is it now?

Anyway, if I would like to do my own portal rendering, would two rooms need two meshbuffers in every case? Do I have to inherit the default meshbuffers to let them have portals?

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:47 pm
by hybrid
Maybe Niko still has the code, but I don't know if it's still useful. But there was some kind of portal code in a very recent thread. Anyone for search?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:11 am
by christianclavet
Wow! That is on the drawing board since 2003! Maarten Bosma seem to have dropped on doing that.

It's not implemented on the current release, and I doubt it will be on the next release.

But a lot of people right now seem to put great interest on having this. Hope it will not go down as it did. Seem that it was more difficult than they anticipated. Today there is more documentation on the technique.

For proper VIS info to be create there is a need of some kind of tool to process the VIS info. I really don't think this can be created in realtime. Reading Quake 3 vis info from the BSP file could be a first step. Right now IRRlicht can read Quake 3 files, but don't take and process the VIS info from them.

IRRlicht developpers have advanced a lot since the last version, since now we can load Quake 3 shaders, and I think MD3 mesh support as been improved (with a lot of other things)

Here is some link from the forum:

MD3 mesh support with shaders: ... hp?t=31814

IRRlicht occlusion culling:

Katsankat implementation steps for occlusion culling: ... hp?t=31780

And I think there is more...

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:11 am
by Frank Dodd
I'm no portal expert so don't take this as gospel :) but ... if someone said to me 'Irrlicht' and then 'Portal' I would say 'Render to Texture'

I would probably support it by rendering to a texture and then mapping that texture onto my portal object. I would probably use the same technique for video camera monitors, mirrors and 3D object based user interfaces.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:30 am
by hybrid
There are two kinds of portals. One is the graphical element as known from the game with a portal gun where you can step through, but also see through into completely different places of the scene. Such add-ons have been made for Irrlicht several times already. We could put one of them into irrExt if someone could point me to a working one.
The second kind is a rendering optimization, where geometry outside of a room is only rendered if it's visible through some "portal" such as a door, a window, or a corridor. This visibility information needs to be precalculated for proper speedup, and needs to be handled by the culling algorithms.
The latter was asked for in this thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:04 pm
by L o
Yep, I asked for the second thing.

Thank you for the links, but most of the projects where dead or windows-only-binaries.

The portals are specified in the format I loaded. Could you please tell me just where to start with the rendering algorithm?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:40 pm
by christianclavet
Hi, Lo.

Googled and found this: ... tion.shtml

Here is an university esay talking about PORTAL rendering method they've worked on. Check on the implementation section of the document ... FULLTEXT01

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:13 pm
by puh
Electron was developed full working version of portals for irrlicht and later added pvs (potentially visible sets)
I successfully implemented his portals into my small demonstration application.
Here is link to the forum treads (its very old - 2005):
portals: ... php?t=5192
pvs: ... php?t=5707
though downloading still working: ...

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:41 pm
by christianclavet
Wow! Thanks.

I've downloaded that source code and checked the thread.
Is there a PVS tool? Would you think that code will be hard to adapt to the new IRRlicht version?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:01 am
by hybrid
The tool is linked in the second thread. The code shouldn't be too hard to port. It might make sense to diff those sources against the portal rendering system in lightfeather, since electron is now working on that engine.
But if someone comes up with a working example with this code it could have good chances to be included into the engine. Maybe it should me more decoupled from the basic scene node interface and just rely on the portal manager somehow...

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:15 am
by Katsankat
In some engines, portalling is a task dedicated to the level designer. HINT brushes for quake engines :)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:42 am
by hybrid
Yes, that's why some external tool is (almost always) necessary. Just as in this case.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:17 am
by shadowslair
Hmmm... This may become useful. In fact, it is sth I intended working on in the near future.

Implementing such culling methods in Irrlicht would be nice.
Will take a better look when I have some time. I checked the code in a hurry and here`re some questions I ran through:

1) The level is loaded from a .X if I`m not wrong. Where do we set the portals? I saw that when loading the level we`re splitting the level to 20 sectors. Are these used for portals?

2) How can this be used for a .bsp, and isn`t there a way to use its own (.bsp`s portals)?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:33 am
by Mel
QIII had its own portal system. Although it would be nice to have irrlicht to be able to use that info too, wouldn't it be just turning Irrlicht into a QIII engine subversion? Just my paranoids, don't pay much attention to this.

But Irrlicht needs a portal occlusion system, imo, and for more than the rendering itself. Perhaps, Collision detection would find benefits of this too, if collision could be restricted to the implicated areas, it would be accelerated quite a lot. Besides, putting each section into their own set of Mesh buffers, could keep everything in Video, saving memory bandwidth, and speeding things up even more.

In Torque, the portals were done using special brushes, same as in Unreal Engine 2. Some polygons were flagged as "portal" Perhaps a special texture name, in a square polygon, but these engines have something in common, their levels are preprocessed, something that Irrlicht doesn't do, for the moment. I say that for portal Occlusion techniques, Irrlicht should have its own format for levels.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:12 pm
by christianclavet
Yes, and why don't we use the BSP format, for IRRlicht need?
Meaning using the BSP file structure, but compatible only to IRRlicht. This could be a nice binary SCENE format for IRRlicht.

We could use tools like IRRedit to put the lightmaps, and the portals inside the IRRlicht BSP file. This file could be loaded as a scene inside IRRlicht.

Since we have VBO now; when a zone is determined, this zone could be send to the VBO, and changed only when we enter a new zone. This would be even faster.

As another extras of using BSP:

We could later add features to the BSP like for example a KEY (encryption). We could use also the ZIP library to compress the meshes inside the BSP, Create Cubemap reflection and skybox images inside, etc. Since it's IRRlicht own format.