Terrain Texture Editing

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Terrain Texture Editing

Post by Linaxys »

Now I have my tiled terrain zone system.

I would like to know the possibilities of texture editing on them, but I must not use shaders that requires a newer graphics card like GLSL or HLSL.

Do I have to edit the texture's pixels by getting it's pixels pointer ?
Or is there another easy solution ?

Posts: 178
Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 4:15 am

Post by Katsankat »

Yes, no.
This technique is called texture splatting or texture blending. Done in realtime you can come up to the "megatexture" technique.
Look at this article http://www.flipcode.com/archives/Terrai ... tion.shtml
;) Advice, practice outside irrlicht. When it works, grab() lock() image and access pixels to set them dirty.
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