I am working on 2.0 of GreyHat Software - Game Logic engine (GHS-GLE) and I've just added some more features, the main one this time being the (what I call) "intro scene" at the beginning were you can do things like render a company logo and play a certain sound, though fairly simple it was very awakward to implement, I figured out I had to use it on the IrrKlang and a basic int counter reference algorithm to break within my rendering loop, it sounds very simple and now I've done it, it is, but figuring it out without an infinate loop going on, not updating propperly, the app crashing or not rendering propperly within my render loop was a pain in the arse (but I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger huh? )
I also added a couple of other features in this 2.0 version but mainly it was more precise event handling, prior feature improvements and generally making the code as bullet proof as I can, this will be release soon but I created demo, that, once the GHS_GLE_2 was including created the below example with a few lines of code.
Let me know what you think.
Download (WIN 32 - 42525 KB)
http://rapidshare.com/files/226953051/c ... 2.zip.html