Iterator to traverse entire scene?

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Iterator to traverse entire scene?

Post by mjstone »

Is there an iterator hidden somewhere that traverses the whole scene graph? I'd like to use some of the standard C++ algorithms and maybe BOOST_FOREACH on it. For example:

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GraphIterator specialNode = std::find_if(GraphIterator(myScene), GraphIterator(), &isSpecial);
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Post by hybrid »

No STL/boost in the Irrlicht internals, so no, you have to traverse on your own.
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Post by vitek »

You could easily create such an iterator if you really needed it.

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Post by mjstone »

Well, I'm not sure about "easily" but yes, that's probably what I'll do. I just wanted to save myself the trouble if somebody else has done it already.
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Post by mjstone »

In case others find it useful, here's what I came up with. It uses boost::iterator_facade to take care of the boilerplate and provide a fully standard-compliant iterator.

Firstly it needs the following patch to irrList.h to make the dereference operators const. (This is against the 1.5 release):

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Index: irrList.h
--- irrList.h	(revision 1815)
+++ irrList.h	(working copy)
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@
 		bool operator ==(const Iterator&      other) const { return Current == other.Current; }
 		bool operator !=(const Iterator&      other) const { return Current != other.Current; }
-		const T & operator * () { return Current->Element; }
-		const T * operator ->() { return &Current->Element; }
+		const T & operator * () const { return Current->Element; }
+		const T * operator ->() const { return &Current->Element; }
 		ConstIterator & operator =(const Iterator & iterator) { Current = iterator.Current; return *this; }
Here's the scene iterator:

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#include "irrlicht.h"
#include "boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp"
#include <stack>

class SceneIterator : public boost::iterator_facade
    < SceneIterator
    , irr::scene::ISceneNode*
    , boost::forward_traversal_tag
    , irr::scene::ISceneNode*
    SceneIterator() {}

    explicit SceneIterator(irr::scene::ISceneManager* scene) {

    // Non-standard iterator member, handy for pretty printing.
    std::size_t depth() const {
        return iterStack.size();

private: // functions for iterator_facade:

    friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

    void increment() {
        // preorder depth first traversal (i.e. parent first)
        if (!beginChildren(* {

    bool equal(SceneIterator const& other) const {
        return iterStack == other.iterStack && currentEnd == other.currentEnd;

    irr::scene::ISceneNode* dereference() const { 
        return *;

private: // tree walking implementation:
    typedef irr::core::list<irr::scene::ISceneNode*>::ConstIterator ChildIter;

    bool beginChildren(irr::scene::ISceneNode* parent) {
        if (parent->getChildren().empty()) {
            return false;
        else {
            currentEnd = parent->getChildren().end();
            return true;

    void nextSibling() {;
        while (!iterStack.empty() && == currentEnd) {
            if (!iterStack.empty()) {
                currentEnd = (*>getParent()->getChildren().end();
            else {
                currentEnd = ChildIter();

    std::stack<ChildIter> iterStack;
    ChildIter currentEnd;
You can use it like this:

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    // default-constructed iterator is the "end".
    SceneIterator end; 

    // pretty print the tree (using i.depth())
    for (SceneIterator i=SceneIterator(sceneManager); i!=end; ++i) {
        std::cout << std::string(i.depth(), '\t') << "'" << (*i)->getName() << "'" << std::endl;

    // find the first debug node (with some boost::bind magic)
    SceneIterator i = std::find_if(SceneIterator(sceneManager), end, boost::bind(&ISceneNode::isDebugObject, _1));
    if (i != end) std::cout << (*i)->getName() << std::endl;
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