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Igor - 3D FPS

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:14 pm
by Nikko_Bertoa
Hi irrlicht community. This is my FPS demo, using Irrlicht and IrrWizard. I need all the feedback.



Genre: FPS

Download link:

Game Website:

The objective is to get to the end of the level without dying. The level has a final boss. You can use two differents weapons with differents features.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 8:46 pm
by Mux
A bit of feedback:
*Enemies tend to stack
*You need a more original level
*If that was the first level boss of the game it seems to be a bit too tough.
But all in all it's a nice first try, better than mine :wink:

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:25 am
by d3jake
Certainly a nice start. I just look at this and think of how much I must do to my own game to get it to do similar things to yours and know that there is a lot of code involved...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:57 pm
by Nikko_Bertoa
Enemies tend to stack

Can you tell me the game situation??
You need a more original level
Yes, I totally agree, the level is the most knowed quake map jeje. I will put waypoints in another map for the second level.
If that was the first level boss of the game it seems to be a bit too tough.
Maybe I need a less hard enemy,

Thanks !!

I began with Irrwizard that is a game framework. Check .
I think that it is an excellent place to begin. You need to understand the code and fix some errors and then you can develop a FPS like mine. Later I will upload the Igor's source code.

Thanks !!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:41 pm
by d3jake
The game I'm trying to make is an FPS, but it's also a 6DoF, so some things are different... I'll look into it though.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:35 pm
by Cloudef
The jumping was broken. The last enemy was impossible, also the enemies A.I could have more work on them. Not just follow you and deal high amount of damage if they succeed on attacking you. Also the stacking happens pretty often in the game.

Otherwise, it's a nice so far =)

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:23 pm
by Nikko_Bertoa
The jumping was broken.
Yes, I'm searching for a camera much better than Irrlicht FPS default camera or fix the jump.
The last enemy was impossible, also the enemies A.I could have more work on them. Not just follow you and deal high amount of damage if they succeed on attacking you.
I use random numbers for enemies's attack algorithm. I think I will need a better way to do that.
Also the stacking happens pretty often in the game.
Can you tell me the game situation??


Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:51 pm
by Cloudef
Can you tell me the game situation??
I ran away the enemies, and came back. They surprised me at corner and were stacked.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:07 pm
by Mux
About the stacking: It seems that two or more enemies spawn at the same spot and when they start moving both follows the same pattern at the same time. Maybe you could check so that the spawn point is free before spawning an enemy.

Btw, one more thing: Health items disappears even if the health is at max when the player touches them.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:05 pm
by Nikko_Bertoa
About the stacking: It seems that two or more enemies spawn at the same spot and when they start moving both follows the same pattern at the same time. Maybe you could check so that the spawn point is free before spawning an enemy.
The enemies spawn at a random waypoint.
I don't consider collisions between the enemies and then the enemies overlap at the same point. When you kill one of them, you think that the enemy spawn in the same point, but you has another enemy in the same point too.

Btw, one more thing: Health items disappears even if the health is at max when the player touches them.
I think that is the better way.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:13 pm
by Mux
I think that is the better way.

Ah, it's a feature. I thought it was a bug since the health didn't go up.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:47 pm
by cr33
if u shoot at the sky, bullet/projectile appears in camera position

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:01 am
by Nikko_Bertoa
if u shoot at the sky, bullet/projectile appears in camera position
Yes, I didn't see that. Thanks!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:14 am
by Malgodur
1. I stand in front of enemy and he cant hit me?
2. Enemy flied out trough the wall?!
3. Game sometimes "lost sound engine", i mena that the nothing is played after that
4. When i look down, press s and space i jump?

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:55 am
by Nikko_Bertoa
1. I stand in front of enemy and he cant hit me?
This is because the attack distance < camera-enemy distance. I need to add more waypoints maybe.
2. Enemy flied out trough the wall?!
Maybe there are some bad adjacents waypoints.
3. Game sometimes "lost sound engine", i mena that the nothing is played after that

I didn't have this problem, I will check this.
4. When i look down, press s and space i jump?
Yes, I need to find a better way to implement "jump" function. I use FPS camera scene node and collision animator, but this doesn't work good.

Thanks !!!