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End of the world?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:17 am
by Mujibar
Trave wrote:Now, i was intrigued at how every time i meet someone new they have something to do with the name "josh". now since there were 4 occurrences so far, i thought of the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse. and what i found triggered the conspiracist side of me, this is what i found. (my speculations will be in italics)

The White Horse
Revelation 6:1 - 6:2 - "...When the Lamb had opened the first of the seven seals, I heard the first of the four beasts say with a thundering voice, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a white horse; and he that sat on him had a bow: and there was given unto him a crown, and he departed as conqueror and to conquest."
Some interpret the rider of the white horse to be the anti-christ, or a representation of false prophets, citing differences between the white horse in Revelation 6 and Jesus on the white Horse in Revelation 19. Revelation 19 Jesus has many crowns, but in Revelation 6 the rider has one. In Revelation 19, the rider on the horse is depicted as "The Word of God". The rider of the white horse may represent the second coming of Christ during which the end of the world/judgment day would occur. He may also just represent judgment of the living and the damned.
Hmm, judgement day... wait, thats 2012 according to the mayan calender!

Red Horse
The rider of the second horse is generally held to represent War. The red color of his horse represents blood spilled on the battlefield. He carries a greatsword, which represents battle and fighting.
Revelation 6:4 - "And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword."
Hah! but theres no... omg, IRAQ!!!!

Black Horse
The third horseman, riding the black horse, is called Famine. The black color of the third horse could be a symbol of the dead.
Revelation 6:5 - 6:6 - “And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and a quart of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.’”
Pfft, but we're not going hungry... wait, we're in a world economic crisis, they're gonna keep raising the price of food!

Pale Green Horse
The fourth horseman, usually said to ride on a pale horse, is explicitly named Death. Of all the riders, he is the only one whose name is easily distinguishable. Generally, he is usually followed by Hades (Gravedom).
However, the Greek word interpreted as "pale" is translated elsewhere in the New Testament as "green," leading to some confusion in appearance. The horse is sometimes translated as "pale," "pale green," or "green." The greenish color of the fourth horse could possibly represent plague, fear, sickness, and/or decay.
Revelation 6:7 - 6:8 - “And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a pale green horse; and he that sat on him was called Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, and that they (the four horsemen) should kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
Yeah, but what plague do we... have... Swine Flu -_-... it's deadly if you have a secondary disease...

Other Biblical references
Zechariah also sees the Horsemen (Zech 6:1-5). During this, first come the Red, then Black, then White, and finally the "Grisled and Bay" (the Pale Horses by implication).
Yeah, and its gone: Iraq, The Economic Crisis starting, the end of the Mayan calender going global, and Swine Flu, this CANT be a coincidence!
What do you guys think about this?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:21 am
by Eigen

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:23 am
by Mujibar
Yeah dude. If your going to yawn. At least give a reason and back it up. We want some opinions on this..

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:37 am
by Eigen
I mean, I don't believe in conspiracies. There are betters things to waste your time on. Most of the time they are told just to show how different you are not to believe what everyone else does. And I'm yet to see one that has turned out true. And if one does turn out true, most of people would just shrug their shoulders and go on.
Actually I've thought about the 2012 prophecy and I think there could be several things happening that could be considered the end of the world. Final crash of the financial world? War? Considering the latest N-Korea missile launches and overall tension? Something else .. why not. I guess we'll have to wait and see. It may not be the end of the world in the sense that everything seizes to exist but something else.

But thinking how versatile the Bible verses are it's no surprise they apply to events taking place in the world.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:09 am
by Cloudef
So the world is going to end, So what?
You can't do nothing for it. Yawn...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:34 am
by wITTus
I bet 1000 Malagasy Ariarys, that nothing at all will happen at 2012. 8)
Wikipedia wrote:The Nibiru collision is a doomsday prediction that claims that the Earth will soon be struck or magnetically disrupted by the passing of a large planetary object variously referred to as Nibiru, Planet X, or Wormwood. The idea was first proposed in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee and claims to channel messages from extra-terrestrials called Zetas (from the Zeta Reticuli star system; see Betty and Barney Hill) through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind the object would sweep through the Solar System in May 2003 (later revised to 2010), causing a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. Since 2003, this theory has spread beyond Lieder's website and has been embraced by numerous internet doomsday groups, most of which tie the collision to the 2012 doomsday prediction. Several astronomers and physicists have criticised this idea on basic scientific grounds.
lmao. seriously guys...

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:38 am
by ben
I probably shouldn't encourage you, but IIRC, the apocalypse is predicted to occur by the bible when armies descend on Babylon, which is a few km south of modern Baghdad.

But this is all bullsh*t in my opinion anyway.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:34 pm
by QuantumSK
I have a lot to say in this post, so if you are short on time, or don't feel like reading a big post, feel free to skip this one!

The Bible and the Mayan Culture are completely contridictory, but apparently they agree on the end of the world?

The mayans killed their own kind in sacrifices to the gods, then tossed the body down the side of the pyramid so that the priests can eat the body...
The bible says that murder is wrong, but self sacrifice gets you into heaven.

The mayans also had a god (name evades my thoughts atm) who was the god of blood, and they thought that the only way to get into their version of a heaven is to commit suicide.
The bible, obviously says that if you commit suicide, you are damned to hell for eternity.

But the mayan calendar, which doesn't technically end at 2012, since it's a wheel that you turn, only stops being accurate at 2012. There is no end to the mayan calendar - it's a never-ending cycle represented by a wheel.
The bible... well I've never sat down and read it front to end, mainly because that's not my faith. But from word of mouth, I've come to the understanding that it says that the world will end in WWIII, which we have basically been in for decades, starting with Bush Sr. i believe, and the appearance of the Anti-Christ, which I highly doubt is Obama - which is who racism-denying conspirists are pointing fingers at.

But look at it from a more scientific point of view: think about how old the earth is, then think about how old humanity is... We are just another cycle of the earth's primary inhabitants. If we die, then nature will take it's course and we will merely be replaced.

Now for my personal opinion: I doubt the end is as near as everyone says. And if a nuclear holocaust wipes us out, then there are sure to be survivors that got lucky or were smart. If the bible is right and the devil reigns on earth, blast the rock music up. If the mayans were right, time for a very large wave to surf on.

I take no sides in this, I'm merely pointing out these things to help with the discussion.

PS. Wikipedia isn't the most reliable site to get information on, btw

EDIT: Forgot to mention that the swine flu was over-hyped, and generally was less dangerous than the normal flu that kills tens of thousands per year. So I don't really think considering the Swine Flu as the 4th horseman is appropriate.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:56 pm
by Dorth
Nvm the fact it's a friggin cyclic calendar with no "end". That was a misinterpretation. Basically, they made one were everything they could think off would cycle and that's that. So 2012 comes, you just use the old one from the start again.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:52 am
by Mujibar
Thanks for the responses guys.. The auther of that post had had an interesting time reading your posts. No responses from him shall be posted as these are all valid opinions..

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:36 pm
by Mel
This is fun... Well, anyway, my two cents are as valid as any other, right? Don't take me too serious here, im impressed how the misculture may work for the people.

The End is coming! so what? I mean, i don't believe it at all. No matter what you say me, i won't believe it, and why? well, there are many reasons. The whole life of a man turns around a single point, the end of it. So afraid? so senseless is life for people that they must justify something that has no reason at all?. So what? why do we do what we do? to leave something to others to come?, to make time?.

It really doesn't matter. The sense of life is the one we want to give it. We,most of the people here, have found that we like programming (for instance), so, we program, that's the reason of our lives, and it has nothing to see with beliefs, or supernatural entities that rule our destiny. Our life is only ours, and no one else's. And we do what we want with it. Some want to believe there is a bigger existence which rules everything. Well, i don't believe in such ruler. I rule my own life, in ultimate form.

If the end has to come because of some natural fact, it is something we don't have a way to stop, so, why bothering because of it? fearing it won't solve a thing. If it is a war, The end will come because of the stupidity of a man, not because of the will of god.

And, if we have to resort to the bible, the apocalipse doesn't talk a line about destruction, or the end of the world, intended as the end of humanity. The message the apocalipse wants to transmit is the final victory of the Justice over the evil, where all the fair ones will be saved, and it chants, more than it describes, the wrath of god against the evil. Only fanatism and misculture have changed the meaning of these stories, where the Final Judgment was the moment where the divine justice would be finally made true, and the evil would be vanished. Should this apocalipse come, i'd welcome it with open arms XDDDD

Tomorrow i will speak of the tale of a small girl wearing a red cape who wanted to visit her grandma. I promise gore too! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:32 pm
by Kojack
Now, i was intrigued at how every time i meet someone new they have something to do with the name "josh". now since there were 4 occurrences so far, i thought of the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse. and what i found triggered the conspiracist side of me, this is what i found.
So the world is going to be destroyed by 4 guys riding horses because Trave has met 4 people who know Josh? Well, at least it's not the strangest doomsday theory I've heard. Although I have a few questions:
- Who is Josh and why is he triggering end of the world predictions?
- Trave says "every time I meet someone new" and "there were 4 occurences so far". He's really only met 4 people in his entire life?
- Who counts the number of times they hear a certain name? I have no idea how many times I've heard the name George. I certainly never at any time thought "George... I've heard that name before. Three times before. OMG! THE FOUR HORSEMAN ARE REAL!!!!!"
- Will the world be saved if Josh makes himself known to Trave a fifth time?

I don't think I can sleep at night until these mysteries of the enigmatic Josh are solved.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:02 pm
by Frank Dodd
"The end of the world is nigh!"

Actually apparently Betelgeuse just shrank by 15% as it writhes around in its death throws, so you never know ... but hey what a way to go.

The four horsemen are going to be a bit peeved if while they are half way through doing the apocalypse we all get hit in the face by a type II Supernova. Talk about 'having your thunder stolen!'

Wheres my suncream.

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:37 pm
by Mel
Mmm... according to physics, most of the high frequency radiation (gamma radiation, x-rays, UV-rays, and such) will expand very little. So, speaking of Betelgeuse, nothing more than just an enormous amount of light is what will hit the earth. Maybe at night. That would be fun. Still, seems that the phase the star is showing currently to the earth is to last for at least 10000 years, so, our horsemen have still a chance.

Hmm, who will come first? XD

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:57 pm
by Frank Dodd
Stop spoiling my Hollywood drama with irrelevant things like facts!

Footnote: For anyone that is particularly worried Betelgeuse is predicted to be the lower powered Type Ia explosion that has a maximum effective range of concern of 33 light years and as Betelgeuse is at about 600 light years I wouldn't take out supernova insurance yet.